Industry 4.0 – Print automation is here


HYBRID Software activity in the Chinese market 

The Label Expo South China from December 8th to 10th 2020 was an important event for us as we were included in the debut presentation of the Print Automation 4.0 Hub. Asia, and specifically China, are great players in the printing world, and we are excited about their eager adoption to HYBRID for smarter, more efficient printing facilities.

As personal encounter is a fundamental part of our company’s DNA, our Chinese team was very happy to be able to meet again at this event.

HYBRID products advance Industry 4.0

With IT competence and graphic arts know-how, HYBRID Software offers our customers advanced digitalisation which in turn improves their customer relationships. By our offering of workflow optimisations, our customers can work in smarter environments.

In the end, it’s about improving relationships – with better quality output, and more satisfied customers.

Is Industry 4.0 a new term for you?

Contact us to learn how our solutions can optimise your output, costs and capabilities in 2021. We’d be happy to hear from you.

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