COMPANY NEWS Archives - HYBRID Software Tue, 07 Jan 2025 14:21:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Baselines… Blueprints… KPIs, an article by Mike Agness Fri, 02 Aug 2024 14:29:19 +0000 For ages, we have referred to the process of preparing art for the press as prepress. However, as automation has played a major role in the process of printing, so has the role of prepress. We should acknowledge that prepress extends far beyond the press itself. Prepress has been defined as the function where

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For ages, we have referred to the process of preparing art for the press as prepress. However, as automation has played a major role in the process of printing, so has the role of prepress. We should acknowledge that prepress extends far beyond the press itself.

Prepress has been defined as the function where data (what to print and how) and the asset (how it is supposed to look; the graphics) come together. Prepress tools need to be open and flexible to ensure that communication exists from the origin of data (often MIS/ERP) to the equipment required to make the plate and print the asset. It means communication ties must exist between:

  • Color Management/Conversion
  • Plate Making/Plate Cutting
  • Mounting & Application of Tape
  • The Press
  • Inspection—Including Color
  • Slitting Areas

Achieving Automation

Automation is the operation of a process by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human labor. Although we would like to consider ourselves infallible, humans can break automation. Yet, we are necessary for logical decisions. Our ultimate goal for automation is to combine the good and the bad: reduce human touches, human interaction and the duplication of tasks creating greatest efficiencies.

Prepress works with precision; for example, a measurement value of points, which is 1/72 of an inch. But, while it has gotten closer over the years, the flexo plate making process is still not exact. While this is a challenge the industry is aware of, there still are requirements to compensate for some inaccuracies.

Design tools have been used to conduct prepress tasks for many years, but they are creative tools. They are built to design something from nothing; not to create many from one and repeat the same process over time. This is where prepress comes in. It takes these files and provides the manufacturing expertise to build them for the print floor.

Prepress needs to focus on manufacturing efficiencies. These include:

PDF Processing Steps for Packaging: The best packaging workflows are going to be, of course, those that focus solely on packaging. Not only do they tend to follow a more traditional packaging workflow; they also tend to have greater packaging ties to CIP4 standards. Packaging workflows are in tune with all new packaging technology changes

Familiar Terms for Manufacturing: Packaging prepress tools are more sensitive to very specific needs, such as not relying on inks and layers that can be destroyed. They are also programmed to be specific to packaging nuances such as special color management, three dimensions and folds, use of spot varnishes and white ink layers, etc

Enabling Better Automation for Packaging: Building systems from preflighting to press inspection allows prepress experts to focus on the more challenging issues. The more standardization that can be built for an automated prepress system, the more efficiently, and quickly, it will operate

Embracing Standards Technology Leads to Greater Automation: This not only comes in play with PDF, XML and JDF files, but more specialized files, such as Collada

Typically all of the necessary information to manufacture a job for a lot of packaging—most notably flexible packaging—doesn’t exist in any “off-the-shelf” system. There are just too many variables that are usually much more complex than what you would find in a traditional commercial print assignment.

Data & Details

MIS/ERP systems used for manufacturing a product rarely offer an exact description of the data required to produce the packaging job with the desired look. Thus, developers of advanced prepress tools need to be able to gather these details from other systems or be able to store this information themselves for use on repetitive manufacturing.

To make this even more nuanced, the prepress application needs to understand the specifics of each press in the plant. So, data that is stored is also typically associated with a specific press specification.

Experienced packaging prepress departments are familiar with the many tasks that are required from a prepress workflow application. They can include:

  • Understanding the Inks and the Ink Order: Special inks, of course, have been a common trait of package printing for years. While expanded gamut printing can make this process more standardized, it still requires an understanding of how far a brand color deviates from its traditional representation
  • Color Management: The more a prepress workflow can automate the control of color ultimately on press, the easier the package printer’s job will be
  • Trapping: Flexo presses are more accurate than ever, and make-readies are much faster. However, automated trapping settings for each press are desired
  • Step and Repeat: This is where a good prepress system can automate the step and repeat process and automatically create the most optimized and cost-efficient solution
  • Bearer Bars: A good workflow—or one that communicates well with a good color management system—can help define the specs of each job’s bearer bars, helping the flexo press read the impression and maintain as minimal bounce as possible
  • Microdots: Many workflows contain RIPs to drive the flexo plate imager. Many now enhance the quality of a halftone by including microdots to best represent highlights. It turns out that it’s best to use microdots when the job doesn’t contain surface screening, for most accurate mounting. Highly magnified cameras are reading these dots in the specified areas, so it is best to have full and complete dots.
  • Other Required Plate Identifiers for Plate Manufacturing: We want to make sure that the correct plates are mounted onto the press. This could include specialized data matrix codes or other item numbers to mark and identify the plates

Talk to Me

A good system will have worked out an ability to communicate among its prepress tools to achieve acceptable efficiencies.

Different functional portions of a prepress system can communicate and work together to achieve reasonably complex goals. For example, a system could:

  • Create cut lines, unique to the separation for optimal flexo plate usage, to stagger plates delivered for cutting
  • Determine the height and width of the plate and send that information to an automated tape applicator. At the same time, that data is returned to the MIS/ERP system for costing
  • Establish the location of the microdots in association to the plate, for precise mounting
  • Determine the ink order for the proper loading of cylinders on press to match what color management had specified

Automated prepress systems permit staggered cutting areas to be applied to shrink sleeve label designs, like the one depicted here. 

Once all the prepress manufacturing data is gathered, it needs to be assembled and delivered upon a “trigger.” A data “trigger” could be as simple as entering a unique item number. Perhaps the barcode scan from a system can include this unique identifier.

There could be a status change in the data system (typically delivered by the MIS/ERP). Once the trigger has been initiated, a solution should deliver to the system, in the requested format. This could be XML metadata, an API door to the system, CSV file format data, a database action, or a properly formatted PDF file.

What data is delivered between systems? Certainly, it would include details about how the asset was prepared. It will also include information about the pressrun.

Of course, data about step-and-repeat is delivered. That would include the number of pieces of art across and down, as well as the size of gaps. This is critical for inspection, and the gaps are important details to send to the slitter.

Packzimizer intelligently analyzes the order data to optimize the layout and repetitions of labels on the roll based on quantity, offering maximum substrate usage and press uptime.

Then, there’s the role of prepress on the press, for inspection. Any inspection tool needs to know what to inspect for. It could be content, or areas within content, removing any necessary irrelevant processing steps, such as dielines, varnishing, or other print features. Prepress also plays in important role defining where—and what—to inspect for color matches. Quantities are imported from the MIS/ERP to the prepress automation system, as well as the inspection system.

PACKZ 10 to deliver supreme quality and detailed printing on metal cans. HYBRID Software’s Capture 3D Technology now features precise deformation grids and live 3D viewing, unlocking new opportunities for branding and metal can packaging.

It also needs to validate the barcode against product data during a production run. Lest we all forget, this is how we all get paid, from the brand to the printer!

Critical Communication

Whether the printing model for a certain package runs through a trade shop (often the case for flexible packaging) or by a converter with a complete in-house plate making capability, there are still requirements for automated communication between prepress and the plate making department, including chosen systems for mounting, tape application, inspection and any post flexo plate making needs, which shouldn’t hinder efforts to achieve precise automation.

Flexo plates are expensive. When producing a corrugated box, often only a tiny area is printed, even though the plates, themselves, may be large. In the past, a great deal of manual work was required to avoid imaging large flexo plates with very few graphics. A good prepress system automatically can separate printed elements in the design file and consolidate and optimize them to take up the least amount of plate space, minimizing material use.

If done right, it can be associated within a pure PDF workflow and tie into the MIS/ERP. For example, job specs including polymer, thickness, and sizes, among other variables, can be embedded into the mounter’s XML file (both PDF and TIFF/LEN files). An automated system like this can save 5-10 or more minutes to patch an entire job, and with fewer errors. Printers have reported 50 percent prepress savings.

Even more sophisticated systems can include scrap and cutoff inventory management of flexo plates. They identify and tell plate imaging operators which cutoffs could be used for a job, and how to use them, utilizing what could have gone bad on the shelf, invisible to the plate maker.

Where to Begin

According to Automation Advantage, published by McGraw Hill, automation is a journey. It begins with a vision of what you want to achieve. To make it reality, we must be aware of what our system is today—what we’re doing—and what systems and processes need to be put in place to reach our automation goal. It’s about creating a baseline of where you are and where you’d like to end up.

While creating your prepress automation roadmap, you should also create your operation’s own roadmap for this major project. It includes determining what opportunities exist by automating, creating business and key performance indicator mapping, and a blueprint/plan.

You get the automated system live by first testing it offline, assuring that the process works, and the platform you are using is ample for your objectives. Seeking the help of industry and technology wide accelerators and standards also helps.

As it is implemented, the automation journey will require oversight and governance to make sure you are on the right track.

Finally, you need to communicate the changes to the organization. Often, this is the most complex step; the one that delivers the most trials and tribulations. Often, the project manager will get many others involved in the installation project, so they have some ownership.

Even after you think your job is over, it isn’t. There are always continuing revisions and updates. Partnering with the correct industry suppliers is important to meet any vision of an optimized, automated prepress system. Remember you are planning for the future—not investing in the past.

About the Author: Mike Agness is executive vice president, Hybrid Software, Americas. The firm delivers innovative prepress software solutions to various packaging-related businesses. Hybrid’s software tools are flexible, open, built on industry standards and have proven to provide significant efficiencies to the packaging industry. Hybrid Software Group is comprised of Hybrid Software, Global Graphics (Harlequin RIP), Meteor Inkjet, Xitron and ColorLogic GmbH.

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We wish you a merry holiday season! Mon, 18 Dec 2023 14:48:53 +0000 As the end of the year draws near, we’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your trust and support generously given throughout the year. We appreciate your trust, partnership and friendship. We are looking forward to our projects in the new year, but for

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As the end of the year draws near, we’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you for your trust and support generously given throughout the year. We appreciate your trust, partnership and friendship. We are looking forward to our projects in the new year, but for now, we hope you can make warm memories and recharge the batteries.

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HYBRID Software announced as CERM Premium Integration Partner Tue, 05 Dec 2023 08:00:54 +0000 Article courtesy of CERM: The CERM-HYBRID Partnership highlights our commitment to streamlining and enhancing prepress operations. We feel that awarding HYBRID Software our Premium Integration Partner quality label is another great step forward and adds extra punch to our high-end and automated prepress workflow solutions for the label and packaging printing industry. The significance

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Article courtesy of CERM:

The CERM-HYBRID Partnership highlights our commitment to streamlining and enhancing prepress operations. We feel that awarding HYBRID Software our Premium Integration Partner quality label is another great step forward and adds extra punch to our high-end and automated prepress workflow solutions for the label and packaging printing industry.

The significance of prepress workflow automation

At CERM, we believe in connecting all elements of your business and creating a seamless integration of your complete workflow, from CRM to invoicing. An integrated workflow improves your productivity and from this conviction, we suggest automating as much of your workflow as possible.

Prepress workflow is often the ideal starting point for automation. Subsequent stages can smoothly integrate your printing presses and finishing machines into the already established automated prepress workflow. This step-by-step integration process ensures a cohesive and efficient workflow.

Key standard integrations with industry leaders

Recognizing the importance of collaboration, we have invested significantly in our partner integrations with leading prepress software suppliers for the label and packaging printing industry. Awarding HYBRID Software with the CERM Premium Integration Partnership is not just a quality assurance and sign of their proven excellence. It also further empowers our automated partner solutions for (prepress) workflows for CERM customers and prospects.

Inside the CERM-HYBRID CLOUDFLOW integration

The integration between CERM and HYBRID Software’s CLOUDFLOW is designed to automate the entire process from product creation in the CERM MIS Software to the approval of the soft proof by the print buyer. CLOUDFLOW’s Proofscope module for soft proofing and collaboration is seamlessly integrated in the Web4Labels CERM application for a smart approval workflow.

This automation not only saves time and reduces errors but also allows prepress operators to focus on high-value operations, leveraging their expertise.

The CERM-HYBRID CLOUDFLOW integration operates on bidirectional JDF-JMF data exchange. Utilizing product properties from the CERM MIS system, JDF instructions are sent to HYBRID CLOUDFLOW, initiating an automated prepress job.

This process includes bidirectional synchronization of artwork status and the exchange of product color details, which become part of the product description in the CERM MIS. Finally, the soft proof PDF generated by HYBRID’s CLOUDFLOW is sent to the print buyer for approval. Upon approval, the prepress workflow for the product is complete, ready for production upon customer order.


This partnership and the integration between CERM and HYBRID Software combines expertise and technology. It sets new standards in the label and packaging print industry, emphasizing our commitment to innovation and excellence.

For more information on the CERM-HYBRID partnership, please contact our marketing department at or reach out to our CERM Business Development Team at

More information on the CERM MIS Software can be found at, read all our latest news and client testimonials in the news section (


  1. Approval Overview in CLOUDFLOW
  2. Asset Viewer in the 3D Library
  3. Workflow Approval

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Heath Luetkens appointed Business Manager for 3D Graphics Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:00:01 +0000 HYBRID Software announces the appointment of Heath Luetkens as Business Manager for 3D Graphics (Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, developers of innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry and a subsidiary of Hybrid Software Group, is pleased to announce the appointment of Heath Luetkens as Business Manager for 3D Graphics. Luetkens was a key

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HYBRID Software announces the appointment of Heath Luetkens as Business Manager for 3D Graphics

(Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, developers of innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry and a subsidiary of Hybrid Software Group, is pleased to announce the appointment of Heath Luetkens as Business Manager for 3D Graphics. Luetkens was a key employee of iC3D Software for more than 10 years prior to their acquisition by HYBRID Software, making him the perfect candidate to champion further innovation in 3D graphics.

With the recent acquisitions of iC3D visualization software and Quadraxis, HYBRID Software has increased its focus on 3D graphics software as a strategic growth opportunity. In his new role, Heath Luetkens will oversee the development of these products and their integration with HYBRID Software’s PACKZ and STEPZ PDF editors and its CLOUDFLOW enterprise workflow software.

States Luetkens, “3D visualization and rendering have become important prepress functions for printers and converters of labels, flexible packaging, and folding cartons, but historically these tasks required specialized software and a lot of manual intervention. By integrating iC3D into PACKZ and CLOUDFLOW, we’ve provided professional 3D graphics tools as part of an automated workflow that can be operated by any printer. I look forward to working with the developers of our 3D graphics tools to accelerate innovation and increase productivity.”

HYBRID Software new 3D manager

Heath Luetkens – HYBRID Software 3D Graphics Business Manager

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Embark on a career with HYBRID Software Tue, 25 Jul 2023 09:27:14 +0000 “WE ARE THE IT PEOPLE WITH LABELS AND PACKAGING KNOWLEDGE OR THE LABELS AND PACKAGING PEOPLE WITH IT COMPETENCE.” With offices in Belgium, Germany, Italy, UK, China and the US plus a global partner network, we are a software development company focused on innovative productivity tools for the labels and packaging industry. Our top-notch

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With offices in Belgium, Germany, Italy, UK, China and the US plus a global partner network, we are a software development company focused on innovative productivity tools for the labels and packaging industry. Our top-notch team has over 1000 combined years of printing experience to help our customers tackle the challenges facing the labels and packaging industry today. Our CLOUDFLOW workflow, PACKZ and STEPZ editors offer a unique set of advantages that include native PDF workflows, vendor-in-dependent solutions based on industry standards, scalable technology and low cost of ownership. These products are used by thousands of customers world-wide in all areas of prepress and print, including labels and packaging, folding cartons, corrugated, wide format and digital printing.

Our responsive development and management teams listen to our customers to stay ahead of market demands. With a rapidly growing number of individualized solutions, your story of success is the basis for HYBRID’s success.

Our team

  • We are experts in our fields, and we are always willing to learn something new
  • Innovation is in our DNA: creativity plus intelligence fuels our work-life
  • We prioritise and foster long-standing relationships with our colleagues, customers, and partners

Your benefits

  • Competitive salary in accordance with your experience
  • Excellent terms of employment in a successful and growing global company
  • A flat organizational structure where self-initiative is strongly encouraged

Would you like to become an active part of the HYBRID family?

Discover our job opportunities at Our team looks forward to your application!

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FLAG Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:41:44 +0000 Recipient of 2023 Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award from the Flexo Label Advantage Group Our Executive Vice President - Americas, Michael Agness, has been awarded the 2023 Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award from the Flexo Label Advantage Group (FLAG). The Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award is presented annually to one person who exemplifies Commitment,

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Recipient of 2023 Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award from the Flexo Label Advantage Group

Our Executive Vice President – Americas, Michael Agness, has been awarded the 2023 Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award from the Flexo Label Advantage Group (FLAG). The Brad Brown Strategic Partner Award is presented annually to one person who exemplifies Commitment, Creativity, and Excellence – three character traits of Brad’s – in their support of FLAG.

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Fujifilm Teams Up with HYBRID Software to Develop ‘Industry-First’ Smart Digital Front End Workflow Wed, 12 Apr 2023 15:56:30 +0000 Article courtesy of Whattheythink. Fujifilm Teams Up with HYBRID Software to Develop ‘Industry-First’ Smart Digital Front End Workflow for its Upcoming Digital Inkjet Water-Based Jet Press FP790 Flexible Packaging Solution Fujifilm Graphic Communications today announces that its upcoming Jet Press FP790 digital inkjet flexible packaging solution will feature a unique

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Article courtesy of Whattheythink.

Fujifilm Teams Up with HYBRID Software to Develop ‘Industry-First’ Smart Digital Front End Workflow for its Upcoming Digital Inkjet Water-Based Jet Press FP790 Flexible Packaging Solution

Fujifilm Graphic Communications today announces that its upcoming Jet Press FP790 digital inkjet flexible packaging solution will feature a unique Smart Digital Front End (DFE) and unified workflow solution developed specifically by HYBRID Software to optimise productivity and output of the Fujifilm press.

This new Smart DFE for Fujifilm’s FP790 press, is the first of its kind to be developed by a software company for use in the packaging market, and is a result of a close working partnership between Fujifilm’s Research and Development team and HYBRID’s specialist software developers, forged during the early stages of the Jet Press FP790’s creation.

Based on proven technology, the web-based, open architecture production workflow offers fully automated prepress functionality to ensure the Jet Press FP790 press offers accelerated turnaround times, maximum productivity and reduced operating costs. In addition, its modular configuration allows for greater workflow expansion and upstream customisation to cater for specific user requirements.

Reflecting on the opportunity to work with HYBRID Software and the outcome of the development partnership, Manual Schrutt, Head of Packaging at Fujifilm Graphic Systems EMEA says, “HYBRID Software holds an enviable reputation in the packaging sector for delivering world class, innovative workflow solutions. Working with HYBRID’s R&D team, its highly skilled software developers and drawing on their extensive knowledge of workflow solutions for the packaging sector, has enabled us to develop a very fast, robust and uniquely smart DFE infrastructure for our new Jet Press FP790 press. This will deliver maximum production efficiencies and the highest quality output required to meet the ever-growing demands of the flexible packaging market, now and into the future.”

Mike Agness, Executive Vice President, Americas at HYBRID Software adds “It has been extremely rewarding to combine the USPs of our two companies and their complimentary offerings to help Fujifilm bring such an exciting new print solution to market. The combination of our extensive knowledge and understanding of RIP-to-print production workflows for the packaging sector, and Fujifilm’s expertise in colour management and print production has been a perfect match in the development of the innovative technologies that lie at the heart of the new Jet Press FP790.”

Created to deliver the highest quality output for a wide range of flexible packaging applications while adhering to the regulatory requirements of the sector, the Jet Press FP790 digital inkjet print solution features an environmentally friendly design incorporating water-based inkjet print technologies. The press can reproduce more than 90% of the PANTONE colour gamut, offers two dedicated white inkjet channels for high white opacity print and delivers high quality 1200 x 1200 dpi image reproduction.

Fujifilm will showcase its new Jet Press FP790 digital flexible packaging solution at Interpack 2023 and will be supported on its stand (Hall 8a, Stand F65) by representatives from the HYBRID software team.

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HP x HYBRID Software: From file to pouch Wed, 05 Apr 2023 10:42:13 +0000 Through photorealistic high-res rendering in iC3D, to prepress automation in PACKZ, and finishing with top-notch quality prints with HP Indigo. Thank you to our partner HP for filming our “Yum Yum” fruity bears printed on their HP Indigo Press -- we love the results! Curious to learn more about automating your workflow? Contact us

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Through photorealistic high-res rendering in iC3D, to prepress automation in PACKZ, and finishing with top-notch quality prints with HP Indigo. Thank you to our partner HP for filming our “Yum Yum” fruity bears printed on their HP Indigo Press — we love the results!

Curious to learn more about automating your workflow? Contact us today at

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HP Introduces HP PageWide C550 Press for Corrugated Packaging Tue, 04 Apr 2023 09:29:51 +0000 Article courtesy of Packaging Impressions HP Introduces HP PageWide C550 Press for Corrugated Packaging HP launched its newest high-speed, post-print digital corrugated press, the HP PageWide C550 Press. This advanced single-pass platform is designed to help converters optimize manufacturing costs and improve operational efficiency for the production of

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Article courtesy of Packaging Impressions

HP Introduces HP PageWide C550 Press for Corrugated Packaging

HP launched its newest high-speed, post-print digital corrugated press, the HP PageWide C550 Press. This advanced single-pass platform is designed to help converters optimize manufacturing costs and improve operational efficiency for the production of corrugated packaging.

Based on the award-winning, field-proven technology of the C500 press, the C550 offers enhanced productivity and value to the industrial packaging industry. It uses HP’s Thermal Inkjet technology and true water-based inks to deliver consistent offset print quality at fast production speeds, while also supporting packaging converters’ circular economy goals.

With a speed of 90 linear meters per minute (295 linear feet per minute), the C550 press is capable of producing high-quality Flexo and Litho boxes at a constant speed, without slowing. It will also help converters to optimize inventories, reduce obsolescence, and accelerate turnaround times through digital printing technology.

By enabling improved economics, greater production versatility and more sustainable packaging solutions, the C550 press presents a significant opportunity for business growth for converters facing increasing supply chain pressure. It allows them to say ‘yes’ to jobs that require flexibility, which can only be achieved with digital production.

David Tomer, GM of HP Post-print corrugated solutions, said, “HP is continuing its investment in the packaging market to create new opportunities for packaging converters and brands to benefit from the analog to digital transformation. We are very excited to deliver the C550 press to the corrugated industry. It is built on the field-proven success of the C500 press and allows converters to economically produce Flexo and Litho boxes at high speeds without slowing down the press. We are constantly working on innovative solutions that not only improve post-print stability and productivity for converters but also meet the quality and flexibility demands of brands for packaging.”

Available for installation later this year, the new press runs at a constant speed of 90 lm/min (295 lft/min), delivering outstanding print quality. The press supports increased plant capacity and helps reduce manufacturing costs for corrugated packaging production.

Corrugated packaging specialist, Saica Group, has ordered the C550 for their operations in Viana, Spain. The company is committed to digital transformation and using innovative technologies to respond to the growing demand for shorter and customized runs. The press is set to be installed later this year and will support increased plant capacity for corrugated packaging production.

HP has recently collaborated with HYBRID Software on prepress workflow for packaging to easily transition artwork from litho and flexo formats. HYBRID PACKZ provides a unique blend of automated actions and dedicated prepress tools. The professional PDF editor makes designs ready for any print process, by enriching them with priming and finishing separation, handling ink sets and object-based screening, as well as applying trapping and generating dynamic marks and panels. HYBRID PACKZ will enable C550 converters to prepare files efficiently, and reduce errors, making prepress easier and more productive.

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Announcing Playground: Experience CLOUDFLOW for free today Tue, 07 Mar 2023 08:00:40 +0000 Ever wished you could experience the power of CLOUDFLOW in a production-like environment? Now you can. Playground puts the power at your fingertips and is your opportunity to explore the potential CLOUDFLOW holds to increase your business efficiencies. Experiment today in a production-like environment via representative application scenarios. Upload your own printing files, conduct

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Ever wished you could experience the power of CLOUDFLOW in a production-like environment?

Now you can.

Playground puts the power at your fingertips and is your opportunity to explore the potential CLOUDFLOW holds to increase your business efficiencies. Experiment today in a production-like environment via representative application scenarios.

Upload your own printing files, conduct quality checks with PDF Preflight, Design Comparison, 3D Preview with iC3D, RIP HXM Screening and collaboration tools for soft proofing and approvals– all from a comfortable web-based application. Read more in the official press release here.

Access Playground here

Upon registration, you’ll have direct access to a continually growing number of CLOUDFLOW apps. For a personal consultation to discuss specific efficiency enhancements possible for your business, contact us today.

Playground provides you access to:

Prepress automation and quality checks

  • Proofscope: the turnkey solution for soft proofing and approvals
  • Web-based prepress automation based on native PDF files
  • Unmatched speed: 64-bit multi-processing and multi-threading
  • Complete set of prepress functions, such as document preflight and correction, separation handling, barcodes, transformations, trapping, flattening and many more
  • Creation of job info panels, slug-lines, bearer bars, etc.
  • File and asset management
  • User management and permissions

Realistic 3D Preview with iC3D

  • Workflow automation for 3D generation and viewing
  • High-res 3D viewing in the web browser, no plug-ins required
  • Seamless integration in workflow and approval processes
  • Automatic generation of 3D previews based on 3D models and PDF graphics
  • Built with powerful iC3D technology

Lightning Speed RIP Technology

  • Fastest RIP for packaging output based on proven Global Graphics Harlequin RIP
  • Visual inspection on dot level
  • Reliable output for various output devices
  • 1-bit and multilevel AM, FM and hybrid screening
  • Full control of screen sets and calibration, including support for object-based screening
  • Optional HXM hybrid screening
  • Fast, multi-threaded host renderer

Collaboration Tools in Browser Experience

  • Correct high-res preview in the web browser
  • Support for native PDF, screened TIFF, LEN and other image formats
  • Difference viewing with auto alignment and separation selection
  • Advanced markup and annotation tools
  • Measurement tools for ink densities, distances and angles
  • Easy to embed in existing web portals with full API

CLOUDFLOW is our modular production workflow suite for file processing, asset management, soft proofing and workflow automation.

It is a web-based application platform specifically tailored for the packaging graphics with support for PDF, color separation, trapping, screening, proofing and much more.

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Welcoming Igor Vandromme as Business Manager–New Market Segments Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:21:43 +0000 (Ghent, Belgium) To champion growth into new market segments, HYBRID Software, the innovative software solutions provider for labels and packaging, announces the appointment of Igor Vandromme as Business Manager for New Market Segments. Mr. Vandromme boasts a 27-year career spanning various managerial positions, including 22 years in the label and packaging industry. With his

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(Ghent, Belgium) To champion growth into new market segments, HYBRID Software, the innovative software solutions provider for labels and packaging, announces the appointment of Igor Vandromme as Business Manager for New Market Segments.

Mr. Vandromme boasts a 27-year career spanning various managerial positions, including 22 years in the label and packaging industry. With his expertise and strong industry knowledge, HYBRID Software looks forward to having him on board in his new role.

Igor holds a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Management from Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent, Belgium, and earned his Executive MBA at ESCP Europe.

Igor joins HYBRID Software after 5 years as Vice President of Global Services Healthcare at Barco. Previously, Igor was employed at Esko for 14 years where he was Vice President of Global Services.

Igor Vandromme remarks, “I am thrilled to join the HYBRID Software team to lead their new business development efforts. As a renowned global solution provider for the labels and packaging industry, HYBRID Software has built a massive portfolio of software capabilities dedicated to the industry. In my new role, the plan is to leverage and extend the HYBRID Software toolkit to address new and adjacent market segments. With my own experience combined with all the expertise within Hybrid Software Group, I am ready for the challenge.”

Chairman Guido Van der Schueren adds, “I have had the pleasure of working with Igor Vandromme since 1996 and have always been impressed with his integrity, his drive to succeed, and his dedication to customer satisfaction. I’m delighted to renew our working relationship at HYBRID Software and wish Igor much success in his new role.”


Download press release here

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Happy Holidays from our team to yours! Mon, 12 Dec 2022 15:20:23 +0000 Wishing you a joyful holiday season For us at HYBRID Software, the work that is done together with our customers is what drives us, and it is because of our valuable relationships that we can continue serving solutions which best suit you. Thank you for your trust in us. We look forward to our

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Wishing you a joyful holiday season

For us at HYBRID Software, the work that is done together with our customers is what drives us, and it is because of our valuable relationships that we can continue serving solutions which best suit you.

Thank you for your trust in us.

We look forward to our work together in the new year, and in the meantime, we wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season.

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Premium supplier award for flexo Fri, 25 Nov 2022 08:16:25 +0000 We are happy to announce that we have been awarded by the Brazilian Flexo Association (ABFlexo) as Premium Supplier 2022, in the category of software and accessories. For the future years ahead, we will continue dedicating ourselves to the research and development of our innovative products.

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We are happy to announce that we have been awarded by the Brazilian Flexo Association (ABFlexo) as Premium Supplier 2022, in the category of software and accessories. For the future years ahead, we will continue dedicating ourselves to the research and development of our innovative products.

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Impressions from Pack Print International in Bangkok Tue, 25 Oct 2022 13:33:50 +0000 We had a great time in Bangkok, Thailand at the no. 1 industry event in Southeast Asia, Pack Print International. Our team enjoyed a lot of traffic at our booth via the help of our local partner Berli Jucker and Arden APAC. We were happy to give demonstrations to the technical teams of many

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We had a great time in Bangkok, Thailand at the no. 1 industry event in Southeast Asia, Pack Print International. Our team enjoyed a lot of traffic at our booth via the help of our local partner Berli Jucker and Arden APAC. We were happy to give demonstrations to the technical teams of many visitors who were keen on learning more about PACKZ and CLOUDFLOW, as well as to our valued customers including SCG Packaging. We hope to see you again next time.

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The Flexo Xperience Center Inaugural Event Thu, 01 Sep 2022 15:23:00 +0000 We are proud to announce that we are a supplier partner at the Flexo Xperience Center The Flexo Xperience Center (The FXC), founded by MacDermid Graphics Solutions and SOMA, is the only flexography-focused center telling the story from design to post-print inspection. It brings the industry’s best innovation providers together in one place. The

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We are proud to announce that we are a supplier partner at the Flexo Xperience Center

The Flexo Xperience Center (The FXC), founded by MacDermid Graphics Solutions and SOMA, is the only flexography-focused center telling the story from design to post-print inspection. It brings the industry’s best innovation providers together in one place. The center is a collaborative hub for pre-media suppliers, printers, converters, brands, CPGs, the educational community, and anyone interested to experience the best that flexo has to offer.

As a supplier partner in the premedia and prepress stage of the flexo process, HYBRID Software joins other companies presenting workflow solutions in image correction, color management, file preparation, and advanced screening, among others.

“We were thrilled with the turnout at The FXC’s opening event. It is great to see industry suppliers actively bringing customers to see and experience the venue. Visitors were very impressed at the inaugural event. They had no idea of the extent to which resources are available to them,” exclaims Mike Agness, HYBRID Software Executive Vice President, Americas. “Just as important was the industry camaraderie—people working together with others. It’s a valuable opportunity for all of us to show how we can achieve integration among each other’s solutions in an open, cooperative environment.”

The center is a place to collaborate, research, experiment, and learn to achieve excellence in the flexo process. “We are excited that The Flexo Xperience Center in Atlanta will act as a collaborative lab environment for the industry to experiment new technologies and theories. It will allow us to move our development efforts internally at warp speed within a perfect non-disruptive testing environment,” explains Agness. “With access to a SOMA press, and the help and power of MacDermid’s chemists and lab technicians, the changes that can occur are greater than the eye can see.”


Download press release here

Photo taken at the inaugural event in Atlanta, GA, USA

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Out now: Hybrid Software Group Newsletter Wed, 10 Aug 2022 07:16:31 +0000 Read the summer edition With the premiere issue of our group newsletter, you'll receive a glimpse into the many activities, product developments, and customer projects our group has been working on. Hybrid Software Group's unique product offering provides critical technology for manufacturing a diverse range of goods, from labels and packaging, to textiles, tiles,

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Read the summer edition

With the premiere issue of our group newsletter, you’ll receive a glimpse into the many activities, product developments, and customer projects our group has been working on. Hybrid Software Group’s unique product offering provides critical technology for manufacturing a diverse range of goods, from labels and packaging, to textiles, tiles, laminates, wall coverings, and even additive manufacturing and 3-D printing applications. Skim through the various stories and read through the articles at your pace, in one place! We can’t wait to see you there.

Enterprise software for industrial print manufacturing

The strategic focus of Hybrid Software Group is to provide technology to offer OEMs more integrated solutions for their production digital presses, to increase market share in the fast-growing inkjet market, to provide efficient and innovative enterprise software tools for packaging production, and to expand the geographical reach of our solutions. With more than 300 employees worldwide and a pedigree stretching back more than 30 years, we provide critical technology for manufacturing a diverse range of goods, from labels and packaging, to textiles, tiles, laminates, wall coverings, and even additive manufacturing and 3-D printing applications. We are the only full stack supplier of all the critical core technologies needed for inkjet. The companies include ColorLogic, Global Graphics Software, iC3D, Meteor Inkjet, Xitron and us, HYBRID Software.

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Register for Late Week with Heath Luetkens, iC3D product manager Mon, 11 Jul 2022 13:05:55 +0000 Don't miss any of our events in the future: just visit Event Hub. We're constantly innovating based on customers' feedback and industry changes! Stay up to date on the latest trends in the label and packaging industry with our: Brand-new series Late Week with HYBRID Software product managers (demo plus Q&A) Meet us in

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Don’t miss any of our events in the future: just visit Event Hub.

We’re constantly innovating based on customers’ feedback and industry changes! Stay up to date on the latest trends in the label and packaging industry with our:

  • Brand-new series Late Week with HYBRID Software product managers (demo plus Q&A)
  • Meet us in person for a valuable exchange and a lasting connection at international fairs and HYBRID roadshows

Visit Event Hub for all of our global events

Simply visit our website and find “Event Hub” in our menu or visit directly. There are three different viewing methods of our virtual and in-person events in standard, calendar, or list view. Search for different events by the series name, industry topic, or filter your preferred language. And most important: register for the event directly through the event organizer or with us. We look forward to meeting you!

Missed an event? Watch it in our Media Center

Our Media Center is our one-stop-shop for our interactive media. Past webinar recordings, e-learning, Workbench product feature movies, and customer testimonials are available for you in the Media Center today!

Simply visit our website, and find “Media Center” in our Menu or visit directly. For easy viewing toggle between list or icon view, select your preferred viewing language, and discover topics that are interesting to you via the search functionality. We look forward to your visit!

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Announcing our brand new Event Hub Mon, 23 May 2022 11:35:00 +0000 Don't miss any of our events in the future: it's now all in one place. Stay up to date on the latest trends in the label and packaging industry Learn from us and our industry partners Meet us in person for a valuable exchange and a lasting connection Discover our newest innovations and enhance

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Don’t miss any of our events in the future: it’s now all in one place.

  • Stay up to date on the latest trends in the label and packaging industry
  • Learn from us and our industry partners
  • Meet us in person for a valuable exchange and a lasting connection
  • Discover our newest innovations and enhance your knowledge of our products in educational webinars

Visit the Event Hub today!

Visit our website and find “Event Hub” in our menu or visit directly. There are three different viewing methods of our virtual and in person events: standard, calendar, or list. Search for different events by the series name, industry topic, or filter your preferred language. And most important: register for the event directly through the event organizer or with us. We look forward to meeting you!

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Visit us at the Flexo Xperience Center Thu, 05 May 2022 08:39:02 +0000 Visit us at the Flexo Xperience Center – a place to collaborate, research, experiment, and learn to achieve excellence in the flexo process We are proud to announce we are a supplier partner for the Flexo Xperience Center (The FXC), the ideal place which brings the industry’s best innovation providers together. From design to

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Visit us at the Flexo Xperience Center – a place to collaborate, research, experiment, and learn to achieve excellence in the flexo process

We are proud to announce we are a supplier partner for the Flexo Xperience Center (The FXC), the ideal place which brings the industry’s best innovation providers together. From design to post-press and print evaluation, The FXC is the first and only xperience center in the Flexo industry, telling the print story from start to finish. The center is a collaborative hub for pre-media suppliers, printers, converters, brands, CPGs, the educational community, and anyone interested in flexo to xperience the best that flexo has to offer. The founding partners are MacDermid Graphics Solutions and SOMA.

Book Your Xperience today

The FXC is for anyone interested in flexographic printing. If you are a pre-media supplier, we can show you the best workflow software and advanced screening, and the latest in platemaking techniques. Printer/Converters, you can see the entire flexo workflow in one location, from prepress to platemaking, mounting, color and ink management, advanced press operations, and post-press cleaning and evaluation. For brands and CPGs, this is your chance to see how flexo can meet your printing needs, ensure brand integrity, reduce your costs, and meet your sustainability goals. Students and Universities, you have the chance for hands-on learning and research.

The center is located at 500 Chattahoochee Row, Atlanta, GA, 30318, USA. Click here to book your visit today or visit the website for more information.

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The power of CLOUDFLOW for HP Preprint T-Series Presses Tue, 03 May 2022 07:41:57 +0000 HP One Package Software HP is a proud partner of ours and a household name around the world due to its successful product and service suite including personal systems, home and office printers, 3D printing, and industrial printing solutions. In the search for communication with other vendors and customers with the highest efficiencies,

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HP One Package Software

HP is a proud partner of ours and a household name around the world due to its successful product and service suite including personal systems, home and office printers, 3D printing, and industrial printing solutions. In the search for communication with other vendors and customers with the highest efficiencies, HP One Package Software was born. Built into the HP T-series presses, the HP One Package Software integrates and acts as a hub, connecting every component in the system, and attaining more flexibility and faster time to market for customers. HP One Package Software unites multiple vendors including GMG for color management, BST Eltromat for 100% print quality inspection, and Tilia Labs for planning, while CLOUDFLOW spearheads the communication at the core. The open architecture of these organizations allows for multi-vendor support for the greatest flexibility for our mutual customers.

HP and HYBRID Software

When HP started to design the One Package concept, they found that, whilst different customers had similar needs, there were always small differences concerning the integration with the different parts of the box-plant systems. HP realised that they needed a flexible platform that was easy to adapt to individual customer needs. They found this flexibility in HYBRID CLOUDFLOW.

After training by our team, the team at HP could independently set up a successful solution. After a short modification round from us, the final prototype solution was completed from start to finish in three short months.

That’s it?!” – technician onsite for HP after the installation took less time than anticipated to deploy and get up and running

Digital Preprint for Corrugated Packaging

The HP PageWide T1190 Press with One Package Powered by CLOUDFLOW was up and running faster than any other press that HP had deployed. Since CLOUDFLOW is built on open standards, it has always been able to communicate freely to different systems, providing the solution HP was wishing for. CLOUDFLOW was adeptly able to solve HP’s challenge of pulling data from various inspection, corrugated, and planning systems, and our PDF Editor PACKZ supports the growing popularity of variable data printing including serialization for individual boxes and sheet-based serialization.

Mike Agness, Executive Vice President of HYBRID Software Americas, oversaw this project. He shares, “HYBRID Software solutions should be in the first line brilliantly simple. We aim to provide brilliant software solutions that at the end of the day create a comfortable experience for the end-user. The work together with HP to create HP One Package Software was a great collaboration of technology, and a project I am proud to have been a part of. This allows corrugated converters to achieve increased efficiencies like never before, and I look forward to the new possibilities for corrugated applications as well as for digital label printing. We orchestrate in planning the roll, whether that roll is 13 inches wide or 110 inches wide.


When HP customers now have requests, they are taken care of very quickly, without any extra development needed, just configuration, and their customers benefit from rapid time to market. In addition, because HP utilized Global Graphic Software, our sister company, for state-of-the-art RIP possibilities, HYBRID Software’s central data management software connects flawlessly to the HP RIP.

Visit the HP website here.


  • Lowered Costs
  • Increased Production Capacity and Flexibility
  • Extensive manufacturing process
  • Open and fast
  • Increased efficiencies with the customer
  • Quicker to the market

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Visit our HYBe Newsletter Thu, 28 Apr 2022 07:25:14 +0000 HYBe Issue 5 is online! Our fifth issue of the HYBe newsletter is here and we have very exciting things to share with you this time around. Enjoy many recent customer success stories, and an innovative project announcement we have been working on with HP. And per usual, we have several employee spotlights for

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HYBe Issue 5 is online!

Our fifth issue of the HYBe newsletter is here and we have very exciting things to share with you this time around. Enjoy many recent customer success stories, and an innovative project announcement we have been working on with HP. And per usual, we have several employee spotlights for you. Be sure to check it out!

  • The power of CLOUDFLOW for HP Preprint T-Series Presses
  • GP Hummingbird builds leading-edge prepress workflow
  • Our attendance of global events
  • Product news and more!

Click here to enter: HYBe – What’s moving us

Subscribe here to receive our next issue in your mailbox!

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Hybrid Software Group PLC reports excellent results for 2021 Fri, 22 Apr 2022 09:01:07 +0000 Hybrid Software Group PLC reports excellent results for 2021 with €48.6 million revenue and €12.2 million EBITDA. Cambridge (UK), 21 April 2022 (18:00 CEST): Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) announces that it has published its annual report and financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2021. The full document is available

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Hybrid Software Group PLC reports excellent results for 2021 with €48.6 million revenue and €12.2 million EBITDA.

Cambridge (UK), 21 April 2022 (18:00 CEST): Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) announces that it has published its annual report and financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2021.

The full document is available to download from the financial reports section of the Company’s web site at:

Mike Rottenborn, CEO comments, “2021 was a remarkable year for Hybrid Software Group. Despite the shadow of the lingering COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to successfully conclude two major acquisitions, rebrand the Group to reflect our focus on software for inkjet manufacturing, re-energise the core RIP business of Global Graphics Software, and more than double our revenue from 2020 largely due to the acquisition of HYBRID Software, while increasing our EBITDA to 25% and our cash position to more than €9 million. Our 275+ global employees are dedicated to the success of our customers through expert technical support and non-stop innovation. With another acquisition already under our belt in 2022, I look forward to the continued growth and success of Hybrid Software Group and all our customers worldwide.”

Executive chairman, Guido Van der Schueren adds, “The acquisition of HYBRID Software in January 2021 broadened our focus from OEM component sales to high-margin enterprise software for both OEMs and end users, and we wasted no time integrating HYBRID Software into the Group. Despite the challenging business environment in 2021, we were able to grow revenues by nearly 25% and EBITDA by more than 20% when compared to the combined operating results of the previously separate entities in 2020. We have many plans for 2022 and beyond to leverage the power of the full Group and combine our OEM products with our end user products and sales channels to achieve further growth. With these results, we remain firmly on track to achieve our target of €100 million revenue and €35 million EBITDA in 2026.”

About Hybrid Software Group

Through its operating subsidiaries, Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) is a leading developer of enterprise software for industrial print manufacturing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen, and hundreds of packaging printers, trade shops, and converters worldwide.

Hybrid Software Group PLC is headquartered in Cambridge UK. Its subsidiary companies are colour technology experts ColorLogic, printing software developers Global Graphics Software, enterprise software developer HYBRID Software, 3D design and modelling software developers iC3D, the industrial printhead driver solutions specialists, Meteor Inkjet and pre-press workflow developer Xitron.

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Discover our new Media Center! Tue, 12 Apr 2022 14:19:29 +0000 Visit our new Media Center today We are excited to announce our Media Center, the one-stop shop for all of HYBRID Software's interactive media. The Media Center serves as a platform for our community to engage with us, learn, and share. Webinar recordings, e-learning content, short videos for tips and tricks from our Workbench

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Visit our new Media Center today

We are excited to announce our Media Center, the one-stop shop for all of HYBRID Software’s interactive media. The Media Center serves as a platform for our community to engage with us, learn, and share. Webinar recordings, e-learning content, short videos for tips and tricks from our Workbench series, and customer testimonial videos are available for you in the Media Center today!

Simply visit our website, and find “Media Center” in our Menu or visit directly. For easy viewing toggle between list or icon view, select your preferred viewing language, and discover topics that are interesting to you via the search functionality. We look forward to your visit!

The post Discover our new Media Center! appeared first on HYBRID Software.

Showcasing our newest product features Mon, 11 Apr 2022 08:41:38 +0000 A Closer Look at PACKZ and STEPZ PDF Editors Pascal Wybo, Product Manager of PACKZ shares, “to succeed in a highly competitive label and packaging supply chain, companies are constantly looking for opportunities to elevate the productivity of their prepress processes. HYBRID Software fulfills this by providing an endless loop of viable solutions

The post Showcasing our newest product features appeared first on HYBRID Software.


A Closer Look at PACKZ and STEPZ PDF Editors

Pascal Wybo, Product Manager of PACKZ shares, “to succeed in a highly competitive label and packaging supply chain, companies are constantly looking for opportunities to elevate the productivity of their prepress processes. HYBRID Software fulfills this by providing an endless loop of viable solutions and products that blend human expertise with technology.”

LICOS – HYRID Software’s License Control System provides global license accessibility and flexibility to PACKZ and STEPZ license holders from anywhere in the world. Via its web-based control interface, licenses can be dynamically distributed in for seasonal or cyclical demands.

MARS – PACKZ and STEPZ are the only PDF editors with a built-in solution store. MARS offers ready-made dynamic marks and digital proof templates, automatic action lists and tools, preflight templates, color books, work environments, and more. The PDF editors also come with a link to HYBRID Software’s e-learning platform.

Environments – brings an à la carte user interface fine-tuned to the operator’s needs and comfort. PACKZ and STEPZ workspaces are accessible across multiple monitors and store presets, customized functions and tools, menu items based on job requirements, and create unique parameter sets based on client expectations.

Barcodes – PACKZ and STEPZ’s Barcode Scanner readily detects barcodes in linework and images and adapts them to match the artwork and printing conditions. Digital watermark elements are added to artwork using traceable barcodes to ensure brand integrity.

CLOUDFLOW Modular Workflow Suite

Intelligent Flexo – Intelligent Flexo not only offers a way to avoid issues such as trailing edge void, pin holing, dot gain and bridging, but does this while maintaining a completely agnostic approach to RIP vendor, CTP manufacturer, or plate supplier. Whether a file is screened with CLOUDFLOW RIP or another 3rd party solution, vast image manipulation and surface screening capabilities provide all the tools you’d need to treat problem areas individually with the unique attention that it requires. This toolset allows trade shops and printers to improve the quality and speed of both plate production and printing, reduce costs by using less ink, and fully automate their processes.

Tectonics – A web accessible plate layout and optimisation module for Flexo and Corrugated markets. It offers a wealth of cost and time saving features including automatic plate cropping and waste management: lending itself for maximising plate utilisation and intelligently reusing plate waste thus saving on expensive materials. Most recently, Tectonics boasts staggered cutting functionality which supports PDF cutting definitions and integrates seamlessly with PACKZ 8.0. Not to mention the ability to drive various CTP, cutting table, and mounting units.

MARS – The in-app store is not only limited to PACKZ and STEPZ but is also available within CLOUDFLOW. Here users can find a library of pre-built applications maintained by HYBRID Software which include workflows, files, and interfaces which can be installed and used with a single click.

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Success and memories made at Printing South China 2022 Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:07:02 +0000 The 28th South China International Exhibition on Printing Industry Together with our industry partners Kinoca Minolta and our MIS partner EIN, we experienced a successful exhibition at the Printing South China fair in Guangzhou. Particularly popular was our live production of personalized gift boxes, including a teacup, for our visitors! Our team gave live

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The 28th South China International Exhibition on Printing Industry

Together with our industry partners Kinoca Minolta and our MIS partner EIN, we experienced a successful exhibition at the Printing South China fair in Guangzhou. Particularly popular was our live production of personalized gift boxes, including a teacup, for our visitors! Our team gave live presentations to the audience and we are happy about the connections we could make at the fair.

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Reducing our carbon footprint with Ecologi Mon, 27 Dec 2021 18:23:29 +0000 Hybrid Software Group reduces carbon footprint with Ecologi Cambridge UK, 21 December 2021: Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) has partnered with Ecologi, the platform that facilitates the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world, to offset its carbon footprint. Since October this year, Hybrid Software Group has been working

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Hybrid Software Group reduces carbon footprint with Ecologi

Cambridge UK, 21 December 2021: Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) has partnered with Ecologi, the platform that facilitates the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world, to offset its carbon footprint.

Since October this year, Hybrid Software Group has been working towards compensating for the environmental footprint of every employee in their work and personal life. At work, the Group is implementing policies to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 footprint such as sourcing renewable energy and low-carbon travel, and is talking with supply chains to measure and push down on Scope 3 carbon footprint. Through the partnership with Ecologi, the Group now offsets the carbon footprint of all Group employees, whether at home or at work.

To date the Company has achieved an offset of 655 tonnes of CO2e and contributed to environmental projects across the globe such as solar power generation in Tamil Nadu and Telangana, India, and using waste biomass to produce electricity in Chile. More information about the projects and the positive environmental impact can be found on the Company’s dashboard at

Chairman Guido Van der Schueren comments, “As a board we are very aware of our responsibilities towards the environment and to our employees. Driving sustainability goals through the business is not only the right thing to do for future generations but it makes good business sense too. For instance, in many of our key growth markets, such as packaging and textiles, environmental factors are influencing how those markets develop. Improving our environmental credentials shows our commitment to the expansion of these markets as they continue to transition towards digital production.”

Hybrid Software Group is the only full stack supplier of all critical core technologies for inkjet printing. Its solutions enable OEMs to be nimble in their response to develop new digital printing equipment for emerging applications and enable print service providers to benefit from the added value of digital production. Inkjet production is inherently more sustainable than analogue, generating less waste, facilitating just-in-time production, and permitting the use of more sustainable raw materials.


Download press release here

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We wish you a warm season’s greetings! Wed, 15 Dec 2021 10:04:53 +0000 We and our sister companies at Hybrid Software Group wish you a warm season's greetings! We'd like to thank our customers for your loyalty throughout the year. We look forward to our next projects in 2022!

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We and our sister companies at Hybrid Software Group wish you a warm season’s greetings! We’d like to thank our customers for your loyalty throughout the year. We look forward to our next projects in 2022!

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Flexo Quality Award in Brazil from ABFlexo/FTA Thu, 25 Nov 2021 09:06:49 +0000 For the 3rd time, we have been awarded the "Professor Sergio Vay Flexo Quality Award" in our Brazilian market. Since 1993, the award ceremony has been organized by ABFlexo/FTA Brasil (Brazilian Technical Association of Flexography and Conversion). “This 3rd Professor Sergio Vay Flexo Quality Award confirms the success of our solutions in the Brazilian market,

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For the 3rd time, we have been awarded the “Professor Sergio Vay Flexo Quality Award” in our Brazilian market. Since 1993, the award ceremony has been organized by ABFlexo/FTA Brasil (Brazilian Technical Association of Flexography and Conversion).

“This 3rd Professor Sergio Vay Flexo Quality Award confirms the success of our solutions in the Brazilian market, as has been happening in other markets around the world where HYBRID Software is present. Solutions such as PACKZ and CLOUDFLOW are extremely well accepted in trade shops and converters in Brazil, helping customers to work more flexibly, assertively and dynamically in the pre-printing of label and packaging files”, shares Vlademir Cassiano, Sales Manager of HYBRID Software Brazil.

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HYBRID Software Solutions for Flexibles and Trade Shops Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:22:18 +0000 Are you searching for a modern solution for flexible packaging printing or your trade shop, and a step forward in your digital transformation? If your flexible printing facility or trade shop is up to its ears in processing new orders, and seeking to reduce time-to-market by optimising prepress performance, we would like to introduce

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Are you searching for a modern solution for flexible packaging printing or your trade shop, and a step forward in your digital transformation?

If your flexible printing facility or trade shop is up to its ears in processing new orders, and seeking to reduce time-to-market by optimising prepress performance, we would like to introduce you to our software solution.

HYBRID Software helps our thousands of customers around the world surpass their goals every day by reducing costs, streamlining processes, and speeding up turnaround times. Our software’s modulation of your unique business process allows touch points usually done with manual labor to be optimised with lights out automation: increasing efficiency and avoiding risk associated with human errors.

Our global company is motivated to supply innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry. Our award winning products, including PACKZ, CLOUDFLOW, and STEPZ are used by our customers around the world in many areas of prepress and print. By addressing the challenges of our industry, we have grown solutions to guide how you print for the future!

HYBRID links your people to its processes beginning from data delivery and artwork editing, all the way to quality control, customer approval, and step and repeat. We supply you with automations, so that your business (and not your headaches!) can continue growing. We can do this since our software retrieves the information from your order management system. All output automatically will refer to the correct barcodes, item and customer numbers, which is especially useful for variable data printing. We save you countless hours of searching and spare you costs associated with errors. By supplying optimal press speed calculations, we get you quicker to press.

HYBRID is flexible and open and we create solutions secure and unique to your needs, all while being easily accessible through our user-friendly web-browser interface. Take a closer look in our movie for flexible printing and trade shops. Hover over the movie to jump to different chapters – or steps of  your printing process!

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HYBRID Software Solutions for Corrugated Printing Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:22:15 +0000 Are you searching for a modern solution for increasing production for your corrugated printing business and setting up for your digital transformation? If your corrugated packaging printing facility is searching for organisation tools to process an influx of new orders, or you’re even looking to pave the way for digital printing, we would like

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Are you searching for a modern solution for increasing production for your corrugated printing business and setting up for your digital transformation?

If your corrugated packaging printing facility is searching for organisation tools to process an influx of new orders, or you’re even looking to pave the way for digital printing, we would like to introduce you to our software solution.

HYBRID Software helps our thousands of customers around the world surpass their goals every day by reducing costs, streamlining processes, and speeding up turnaround times. Our software’s modulation of your unique business process allows touch points usually done with manual labor to be optimised with lights out automation: increasing efficiency and avoiding risk associated with human errors.

Our global company is motivated to supply innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry. Our award winning products, including PACKZ, CLOUDFLOW, and STEPZ are used by our customers around the world in many areas of prepress and print. By addressing the challenges of our industry, we have grown solutions to guide how you print for the future!

HYBRID links your people to its processes beginning from data delivery and editing, all the way to quality control, customer approval, and step and repeat. We supply you with automations, so that your business (and not your headaches!) can continue growing. We can do this since our software retrieves the information from your order management system. All output automatically will refer to the correct barcodes, item and customer numbers, which is especially useful for variable data printing. We save you countless hours of searching and spare you costs associated with errors. By supplying optimal press speed calculations, we get you quicker to press.

HYBRID is flexible and open and we create solutions secure and unique to your needs, all while being easily accessible through our user-friendly web-browser interface. Take a closer look in our movie for corrugated printing. Hover over the movie to jump to different chapters – or steps of the corrugated printing process!

Click here to tell us your problems. If you would like to learn more about our solutions for digital corrugated printing, visit this page!

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HYBRID Software Solutions for Folding Carton Printing Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:22:14 +0000 Are you searching for a modern solution for folding carton printing and a step forward in your digital transformation? If your facility for folding cartons is up to its ears in processing new orders, and you’re seeking a way to automate repetitive orders and accelerate turnaround times, we would like to introduce you to

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Are you searching for a modern solution for folding carton printing and a step forward in your digital transformation?

If your facility for folding cartons is up to its ears in processing new orders, and you’re seeking a way to automate repetitive orders and accelerate turnaround times, we would like to introduce you to our software solution.

HYBRID Software helps our thousands of customers around the world surpass their goals every day by reducing costs, streamlining processes, and speeding up turnaround times. Our software’s modulation of your unique business process allows touch points usually done with manual labor to be optimised with lights out automation: increasing efficiency and avoiding risk associated with human errors.

Our global company is motivated to supply innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry. Our award winning products, including PACKZ, CLOUDFLOW, and STEPZ are used by our customers around the world in many areas of prepress and print. By addressing the challenges of our industry, we have grown solutions to guide how you print for the future!

HYBRID links your people to its processes beginning from data delivery and artwork editing, all the way to quality control, customer approval, and step and repeat. We supply you with automations, so that your business (and not your headaches!) can continue growing. We can do this since our software retrieves the information from your order management system. All output automatically will refer to the correct barcodes, item and customer numbers, which is especially useful for variable data printing. We save you countless hours of searching and spare you costs associated with errors. By supplying optimal press speed calculations, we get you quicker to press.

HYBRID is flexible and open and we create solutions secure and unique to your needs, all while being easily accessible through our user-friendly web-browser interface. Take a closer look in our movie for folding carton printing. Hover over the movie to jump to different chapters – or steps of the folding carton printing process!

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HYBRID Software Solutions for Label Printing Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:20:12 +0000 Are you searching for a modern solution for label printing and a step forward in your digital transformation? If your label printing facility is up to its ears in processing new orders, and receiving increasingly specific demands such as personalised, regionalised, anti-counterfeit labels and more, we would like to introduce you to our software

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Are you searching for a modern solution for label printing and a step forward in your digital transformation?

If your label printing facility is up to its ears in processing new orders, and receiving increasingly specific demands such as personalised, regionalised, anti-counterfeit labels and more, we would like to introduce you to our software solution.

HYBRID Software helps our thousands of customers around the world surpass their goals every day by reducing costs, streamlining processes, and speeding up turnaround times. Our software’s modulation of your unique business process allows touch points usually done with manual labor to be optimised with lights out automation: increasing efficiency and avoiding risk associated with human errors.

Our global company is motivated to supply innovative productivity tools for the graphic arts industry. Our award winning products, including PACKZ, CLOUDFLOW, and STEPZ are used by our customers around the world in many areas of prepress and print. By addressing the challenges of our industry, we have grown solutions to guide how you print for the future!

HYBRID links your people to its processes beginning from data delivery and artwork editing, all the way to quality control, customer approval, and step and repeat. We supply you with automations, so that your business (and not your headaches!) can continue growing. We can do this since our software retrieves the information from your order management system. All output automatically will refer to the correct barcodes, item and customer numbers, which is especially useful for variable data printing. We save you countless hours of searching and spare you costs associated with errors. By supplying optimal press speed calculations, we get you quicker to press.

HYBRID is flexible and open and we create solutions secure and unique to your needs, all while being easily accessible through our user-friendly web-browser interface. Take a closer look in our movie for label printing. Hover over the movie to jump to different chapters – or steps of the label printing process!

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Hybrid Software Group acquires ColorLogic GmbH Fri, 29 Oct 2021 07:52:10 +0000 Thorsten Braun and Barbara Braun-Metz Cambridge (UK), 28 October 2021 (17:45 CEST): Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) (the “Company”) announces today that on 27 October 2021 it acquired the entire issued share capital of ColorLogic GmbH (“ColorLogic”), a company with its registered office in Rheine, Germany. ColorLogic was founded in 2002 and

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Thorsten Braun and Barbara Braun-Metz

Cambridge (UK), 28 October 2021 (17:45 CEST): Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) (the “Company”) announces today that on 27 October 2021 it acquired the entire issued share capital of ColorLogic GmbH (“ColorLogic”), a company with its registered office in Rheine, Germany.

ColorLogic was founded in 2002 and has developed an extensive portfolio of color profiling and conversion software, recently winning the 2021 Pinnacle Product Award from the PRINTING United.  Its products are sold worldwide to both end users with demanding requirements for color quality, as well as to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) of printing equipment.

Hybrid Software Group CEO Mike Rottenborn comments, “Our Harlequin RIP is the market leader in speed and quality for digital printing and is used by many industry-leading OEMs.  But its color management has historically been built around the 4-color CMYK process.  As the production of labels and packaging shifts to digital printing, more capable 7-color printing devices are required to provide color-accurate matching of brand colors.  ColorLogic has long been respected as an industry leader in extended gamut color management, and their tools provide the perfect combination of speed and quality for these demanding applications.  ColorLogic will become the fifth operating company in Hybrid Software Group, joining Global Graphics Software, HYBRID Software, Meteor Inkjet, and Xitron, and its products and technology will enhance the offerings of all of these companies.”

Barbara Braun-Metz, ColorLogic’s Founder and CEO, adds, “I founded ColorLogic almost 20 years ago and together with the help of my great team we are proud to say that we are the leading developers of high-end color management technologies. We have great products which are used for the daily print production all around the world and numerous partners using our technology to develop outstanding products on top of it.  Now we are ready for the next big step – to ensure the future development of our technology and our products we decided to join forces with Hybrid Software Group PLC. This will allow us to grow and allocate the resources needed for future requirements while continuing to provide uninterrupted support for our existing customers and partners.”

About Hybrid Software Group
Through its operating subsidiaries, Hybrid Software Group PLC (Euronext: HYSG) is a leading developer of enterprise software for industrial print manufacturing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen, and hundreds of packaging printers, trade shops, and converters worldwide.

Hybrid Software Group PLC is headquartered in Cambridge UK. Its subsidiary companies are printing software developers Global Graphics Software; enterprise software developer HYBRID Software; the industrial printhead driver solutions specialists, Meteor Inkjet; prepress workflow developer Xitron; and most recently color technology developer ColorLogic.

For further information, please contact us via email to

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Grand opening of Shanghai office Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:46:36 +0000 Our commitment to the Chinese market To better serve our customers in the growing label and packaging market in China, HYBRID Software is excited to celebrate the opening of the new office in Shanghai, China. Xiang Qiang, General Manager of HYBRID Software China will spearhead the team which includes Wang Cheng, the technical

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Our commitment to the Chinese market

To better serve our customers in the growing label and packaging market in China, HYBRID Software is excited to celebrate the opening of the new office in Shanghai, China.

Xiang Qiang, General Manager of HYBRID Software China will spearhead the team which includes Wang Cheng, the technical director, two technical engineers, and two sales professionals responsible for the Southern and Eastern China market. Our aim is to deliver high-quality professional training and technical support to our customers.

The event was celebrated with over two hundred guests, including Bruno Jans, consul general of Belgium in Shanghai, Bart Boschmans from Flanders Investment & Trade, as well as label and package converters, suppliers, strategic partners, and media. After the opening ceremony, we hosted a seminar on the latest prepress technology with Xyerptech, Landa, CGSORIS, XSYS, GMG China, Miraclon, Deltazo, and Pan-color.

Interview with the Chairman of the Board

HYBRID Software Chairman of the Board, Guido Van Der Schueren and Product Manager PACKZ, Pascal Wybo, chat about HYBRID Software’s journey along the years and the vision for the future: the grand opening of the Shanghai office being a big part of that.

Enjoy impressions from the event

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Live Recording of Euronext Ceremony Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:43:31 +0000 Since October 13th, 2021, we along with our sister companies Global Graphics Software, Meteor Inkjet, and Xitron, now operate under Hybrid Software Group. Shortly after, on October 20th, 2021, Hybrid Software Group officially opened for trading at the Euronext Stock Exchange in Brussels with the ringing of the bell by our Chairman of the

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Since October 13th, 2021, we along with our sister companies Global Graphics Software, Meteor Inkjet, and Xitron, now operate under Hybrid Software Group. Shortly after, on October 20th, 2021, Hybrid Software Group officially opened for trading at the Euronext Stock Exchange in Brussels with the ringing of the bell by our Chairman of the Board, Guido Van der Schueren.The new name reflects our hybrid offerings which meet the needs of analogue and digital production processes and integrate both software and printhead drive electronics.

By harnessing the unique product offerings of each company, Hybrid Software Group becomes the only full stack supplier of all critical core technologies for inkjet.

Visit Hybrid Software Group‘s website and follow on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter.

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2021 Inclusive Company Award Wed, 20 Oct 2021 07:00:46 +0000 HYBRID Software’s employment activities honored as an 'Inclusive Company’ (Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, a Hybrid Software Group company, that develops innovative productivity software tools for the graphic arts industry, is proud to announce that it has been recognized as an ‘Inclusive Company’ by Divergent. Divergent is a Flemish government-funded, and University of Ghent backed, organization

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HYBRID Software’s employment activities honored as an ‘Inclusive Company’

(Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, a Hybrid Software Group company, that develops innovative productivity software tools for the graphic arts industry, is proud to announce that it has been recognized as an ‘Inclusive Company’ by Divergent.

Divergent is a Flemish government-funded, and University of Ghent backed, organization that helps people with workplace challenges to be pointed to job openings. They promote the employment of people who may have occupational disabilities, and strive for inclusive recruitment, job retention and reintegration. Among its many responsibilities, Divergent also provides policy support and raises awareness among relevant stakeholders and actors around ‘work experience’, ‘workplace learning’ and ‘work-based learning’.

“HYBRID Software has been building on its initiative to hire very capable employees with the assistance of Divergent. We are committed to engaging people in the labor market through workplace learning. We strongly believe in equal opportunity employment, and being a well-balanced and socially responsible company,” explains Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of HYBRID Software. “The most significant result has been that we have added very talented people to our staff—individuals who have made significant impacts to our company’s performance. We are both pleased to participate in a significant initiative as well as adding very capable staff.”

A new colleague by HYBRID Software shares, “With Divergent’s help, I was able to overcome my feelings of insecurity about applying for a new job. The fact that I could start at HYBRID Software with an internship eased the pressure. I received excellent coaching from the software development team of HYBRID Software. They gave me small but interesting tasks at first and gradually increased the difficulty. They were very available for help and advice. I have learned a lot in a short time. I am happy to have become a full member of the HYBRID team!”


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New STEPZ Website Thu, 23 Sep 2021 14:44:40 +0000 HYBRID Software launches revamped STEPZ website designed for digital packaging printers (Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, the global software development company supplying solutions for label and packaging printing, has announced the re-launch of their product website STEPZ. Based on the award-winning PACKZ technology, STEPZ is the entry-level software perfect for digital printers looking to enter

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HYBRID Software launches revamped STEPZ website designed for digital packaging printers

(Ghent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, the global software development company supplying solutions for label and packaging printing, has announced the re-launch of their product website STEPZ. Based on the award-winning PACKZ technology, STEPZ is the entry-level software perfect for digital printers looking to enter the HYBRID Software world.

The PDF Editor boasts an extensive feature set and encompasses a complete prepress solution for variable data printing, step and repeat, print optimizations, quality control, warping and 3D, and more.

The complete and easy-to-integrate STEPZ software is perfect for digital printers looking to increase production efficiency and improve the quality of their prints. 

Christopher Graf, Chief Marketing Officer at HYBRID Software, shares: “The rapid growth of digital printing in the label and packaging segment has galvanized us to validate the market’s needs. We are excited about the relaunch of STEPZ as we give access to our time-saving and cost-effective solution printers have been searching for.”

Visit the website at


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Website available for Spanish speakers! Mon, 13 Sep 2021 14:34:49 +0000 We are excited to announce the Spanish version of our website is now available. For Spanish visitors, click here or adjust the language at the top right corner of the website. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!

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We are excited to announce the Spanish version of our website is now available. For Spanish visitors, click here or adjust the language at the top right corner of the website.
¡Esperamos verte ahí!

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Symbiosis with Koenig & Bauer and Teamplayer in Print Wed, 01 Sep 2021 07:28:20 +0000 Discover the Symbiosis between HYBRID Software, Koenig & Bauer, and Teamplayer in Print To continue raising the efficiency of our customers, we have together with Koenig & Bauer developed a cloud-enabled production workflow that pushes the limits of prepress performance and drastically increases productivity. The solution provides a harmonious integration between customer's unique business

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Discover the Symbiosis between HYBRID Software, Koenig & Bauer, and Teamplayer in Print

To continue raising the efficiency of our customers, we have together with Koenig & Bauer developed a cloud-enabled production workflow that pushes the limits of prepress performance and drastically increases productivity. The solution provides a harmonious integration between customer’s unique business processes and Koenig & Bauer’s world-class printing presses. Teamplayer in Print – a longstanding force in the German printing world for display and packaging – is one of the first companies to experience first-hand the increased press utilization.

Watch the Final Episode

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Series Trailer

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Celebrating 10 Years Wed, 11 Aug 2021 09:45:57 +0000 HYBRID Software Celebrates its Tenth Year as a Global Leader in Productivity Tools for Label and Packaging Printing (Gent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, a Global Graphics company that develops innovative productivity software tools for the graphic arts industry, is excited to announce that it has reached its milestone tenth anniversary as a global company. The

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HYBRID Software Celebrates its Tenth Year as a Global Leader in Productivity Tools for Label and Packaging Printing

(Gent, Belgium) HYBRID Software, a Global Graphics company that develops innovative productivity software tools for the graphic arts industry, is excited to announce that it has reached its milestone tenth anniversary as a global company.

The company’s original focus was order lifecycle management based on MIS and Web2Print integration. Two years later, the company pivoted with the birth of PACKZ, a revolutionary application—with native PDF support, color separation, trapping, screening, quality control, and much more—that made high quality editing of packaging and labels accessible to small, medium and high production volume professionals. In 2013, the company also introduced CLOUDFLOW, a modular production workflow suite for file processing, asset management, soft proofing and workflow automation. With these two products, HYBRID Software became the prepress and workflow company people are most familiar with today.

Ten years of milestones
In just ten years, HYBRID Software has enjoyed a series of achievements, building to an admirable position in the industry. Among its many accomplishments over this time span are:

  • The company made its industry premier appearance during Labelexpo 2011, attended by a number of executives who are still with the company today: Guido Van der Schueren (Chairman of HYBRID Software), Christopher Graf (Chief Marketing Officer), Jan Ruysschaert (Chief Commercial Officer) and Mike Rottenborn, who now serves as Chief Executive Officer, Global Graphics PLC.
  • Over the years the company has built a network of partners supported by offices based in Belgium, Germany, France, the U.K., Italy, China and the Americas.
  • The acquisition of HYBRID Software by Global Graphics PLC was completed in January 2021, creating the foremost enterprise software supplier for digital printing, as well as for traditional label and packaging market segments.
  • Most recently, the company received a 2021 FTA Technical Innovation Award for its new product, Intelligent Flexo. Along with its award last year for CLOUDFLOW Patchplanner, HYBRID Software became the first company ever to win this coveted award in two successive years.

Reliable partner for the past ten years, with a bright outlook for the future
HYBRID Software’s 124 employees work with thousands of customers—including some of the industry’s largest—around the world. HYBRID Software’s mission is to be a driving influence for innovation in the industry. HYBRID Software has been able to distill the prepress craft into software, creating a repeatable manufacturing process that is truly intelligent. And in keeping with its open systems philosophy, they built a solution that would work with any flexo workflow, not just their own. The company believes that everyone should have the freedom to choose any system that offers true quality or productivity benefits.

For example, many existing workflow systems are restrained by outdated core technologies or architectures, but CLOUDFLOW was built from the ground up as a web-based enterprise solution, with no inherent limitations in functionality or flexibility. Because HYBRID’s software is based on the foundation of state-of-the-art industry standards such as native PDF, HTML5, and other technologies, it is much faster to implement innovative systems that resolve today’s customer challenges.

“10 years ago, I realized that the packaging industry was looking for more customer-driven innovation, and I brought this DNA to HYBRID Software. We have always operated on the three pillars of prepress automation, customer collaboration, and tight integration with customers’ systems and processes. We know that this takes hard work and—even more significant—the loyalty and trust of our customers. HYBRID’s biggest strength is our ability and willingness to listen to customers and act upon their feedback. Our successes would not be possible without them,” comments Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of HYBRID Software. “It’s exciting how far we have come in just ten years. The acquisition with Global Graphics is a continuation of our strategy for innovation. We hope, and expect, that this will bring another decade of exceptional innovation that truly serves our customers.”


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HYBRID Feature Week 2021 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 08:09:25 +0000 What is our Feature Week? This week, HYBRID Software's biannual Feature Week is taking place. The purpose of the event is to be proactive with the requests from our customers. During the sessions, our product management reviews what our customers are looking for in new features. Do you have ideas for features or improvements?

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What is our Feature Week?

This week, HYBRID Software’s biannual Feature Week is taking place. The purpose of the event is to be proactive with the requests from our customers. During the sessions, our product management reviews what our customers are looking for in new features. Do you have ideas for features or improvements? Be sure to share them with us and we will review them in our next meeting!

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We are embarking on a new chapter Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:35:30 +0000 Discover the profitability forecast of Global Graphics, as told by our Chairman. In this next chapter, we are gearing up for growth and major transformation. “With our expansion strategy, which is based on 75% organic growth and 25% growth through acquisitions, we aim to achieve 100 million euros in turnover and EBITDA of 30

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Discover the profitability forecast of Global Graphics, as told by our Chairman. In this next chapter, we are gearing up for growth and major transformation.

“With our expansion strategy, which is based on 75% organic growth and 25% growth through acquisitions, we aim to achieve 100 million euros in turnover and EBITDA of 30 to 35 million euros by 2026. This means quadrupling our turnover between 2020 and 2026. That said, we have already come a long way towards our goal by merging with HYBRID Software,” he adds.

We are embarking on a new chapter in our existence

Interview with Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of the Board, Global Graphics

(Excerpt) Global Graphics, now a holding company, is comprised of Global Graphics, a developer of software solutions for digital printing, HYBRID Software, a developer of productivity tools and workflow automation software for labels and packaging, Xitron, which specialises in solutions driving industrial printheads, and finally Meteor, offering software that makes PDF content, among other formats, fit for print.

“Global Graphics merged with HYBRID Software in view of the existing synergies between our two companies,” says Van der Schueren, coming straight to the point. “This was our vision even seven years ago, and earlier this year, it finally became reality. The products developed by Global Graphics are now sold by HYBRID Software and vice-versa. We are starting to see the first effects of this new organisational structure, and by 2022, we will be able to benefit fully from the synergies it creates.”

Access the full article here

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HYBRID and Steurs provide quality boost with Intelligent Flexo Fri, 30 Apr 2021 15:58:23 +0000 Steurs has always been an innovator and to stay ahead of the competition, the company established its own R&D department in 2014, where they develop innovative solutions to increase the quality of their services even further. Tom De Bondt, Chief Technology Officer at Steurs, says: “R&D is critical to our philosophy. To be taken

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Steurs has always been an innovator and to stay ahead of the competition, the company established its own R&D department in 2014, where they develop innovative solutions to increase the quality of their services even further. Tom De Bondt, Chief Technology Officer at Steurs, says: “R&D is critical to our philosophy. To be taken serious as a professional prepress partner, you must be able to innovate, and develop tailor-made solutions to customers’ challenges. Our R&D department works closely with our sales team and production managers and sits almost always at the table when we’re talking to brand owners and converters.

Flexo printing

Flexo has many advantages over offset and gravure, like lower production costs and greater flexibility with regards to different substrates. But in the past, the print quality and consistency was not always top notch. According to Dirk Cantens, this changed when machine builders & plate suppliers introduced ‘flat top dot’ technologies several years ago. “This has greatly increased the quality of flexo printing. However, having said that, we believed that there was still room for improvement.

S-Dot development

To address these specific issues, back in 2014, the R&D department started developing several technologies to improve the quality of flexo printing. Tom: “Over the past 6 years, we developed our own screening technology under the name S-Dot. This product is now marketed by HYBRID Software under the name Intelligent Flexo, but more on that later. With Intelligent Flexo, the behavior of a flexo plate can be influenced locally or entirely in terms of ink transfer and dot gain. This makes it possible, for example, to achieve higher densities in flat tints, while dot gain can be limited in other protected areas. The quality boost by using Intelligent Flexo is very noticeable, among other things, by the elimination of edge void in barcodes and flexo edges in text and linework. Printing light tints and vignettes to 0%, or shadows up to 99%, is now perfectly feasible. Something that was almost impossible before.

Intelligent Flexo

With ‘Intelligent Flexo’, HYBRID Software brings an innovative solution to the market that dramatically increases flexo output quality. It is a machine-independent software solution that adds microcell structures to the screening dots and thus increases the ink transfer from the plate to the substrate. The biggest advantages are lower ink consumption and increased print quality of flat tints, vignettes, barcodes as well as fine text.

This technology is based on the know-how used by Antwerp-based Steurs Graphic Solutions. The company has been around since 1949 and is today one of the leading prepress houses in the Benelux. Steurs combines more than 70 years of experience in prepress, packaging and publishing into one all-round service. Steurs’ Managing Director Dirk Cantens adds: “We supply plates for all types of media, from paper to metal. Our customers are printers and brand owners who are extremely sensitive to both the stability and color consistency of their printed material and packaging. Ensuring quality and stability is one of our priorities, and we guarantee our customers a homogeneous, stable and 100% reproducible printing environment, regardless of the material to be printed on. Unburdening customers is our burden, and they know that no quality concessions are made at Steurs.

Tailor-made surface screening ensures perfect control over dot gain

From corrugated cardboard to the label market

Initially, Steurs focused on corrugated cardboard applications in the development of Intelligent Flexo. With the many online stores that have been popping up like mushrooms lately and the increasing importance of shelf-ready packaging, corrugated cardboard is on the rise. With a better print quality, the expensive caching could be avoided, which would entail huge cost savings for the brand owners. Dirk: “One of the typical problems when printing corrugated cardboard is the ‘washboard’ effect. Due to minimal height differences in the cardboard, you get different pressure zones resulting in a kind of banding. The effect can be partly avoided by applying less pressure (kiss printing) on the press, but eliminating it altogether is almost impossible. Intelligent Flexo solves this problem largely by using an intelligent screening technology. When compared to traditional flexo plates, much less pressure is required on the plates, and that without compromising image quality, well on the contrary.

Once Steurs mastered the technique for corrugated cardboard, they set off to develop this technology for the label & flexibles market, because there as well, significant improvements and savings were possible. Tom adds: “In 2015, we finished second at the Packaging Innovation Awards with our technology. A clear signal to us that we were on the right track, and an incentive to further develop the technology. But with the expansion into the label market and the increasing volumes, a limitation also came to light. The process was quite labor-intensive and to use it on a larger scale, automating the process was a must. Since we already had a long-term relationship with HYBRID Software and their applications, they seemed like the right partner to further develop this together. To protect our pioneering work and our market position in the Benelux, we agreed with HYBRID Software that Intelligent Flexo would only be distributed in countries outside the Benelux.

Automate with CLOUDFLOW

In 2019, Steurs was also awarded Gold at the Global Flexo Innovation Award ceremony in Istanbul. In the same year, Steurs also sat down with HYBRID Software and started the collaboration to further develop the product as a module within the automation context of CLOUDFLOW. Because this concerns top technology from Flemish soil, a grant application was also submitted and obtained from the Flemish Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship VLAIO. Important in the further development was increased ease of use. Thomas Elton, Product Manager CLOUDFLOW at HYBRID Software says the following: “We didn’t have to change anything about the technology itself, but where our added value came around, was mainly in the development & parameterization of a tool, which brings about a quality improvement for all possible flexo production machines and plates. In addition, unique algorithms have also been developed to fully automate the manual steps that Steurs used to apply.

The typical edge voids for barcodes and linework disappear when using Intelligent Flexo

Intelligent Flexo on the market

A year later, the egg was laid. Hybrid Software introduced Intelligent Flexo at the end of 2020, and the outlook looks promising. Bert Van der Perre, Associate Director of Sales at HYBRID Software explains: “With Intelligent Flexo, we offer a solution to flexo printers to drastically reduce ink consumption, which will have an immediate positive effect on the margins of the printed matter. In addition, we increase color strength and text sharpness of the prints. For the plate supplier, this is the ideal solution to increase the quality of its services without expensive upgrades or investments in new machinery.

Visit the Steurs website here.

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Global Graphics Group launches SmartDFE for labels and packaging Mon, 19 Apr 2021 14:51:21 +0000 Designed to be the heart of a fully automated manufacturing system Cambridge (UK), 19 April 2021: Global Graphics announces its first product co-developed by all group companies today. Global Graphics Software, HYBRID Software, Meteor Inkjet and Xitron have all collaborated to create a smart DFE for labels and packaging applications to transform the role

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Global Graphics PLC Logo

Designed to be the heart of a fully automated manufacturing system

Cambridge (UK), 19 April 2021: Global Graphics announces its first product co-developed by all group companies today. Global Graphics Software, HYBRID Software, Meteor Inkjet and Xitron have all collaborated to create a smart DFE for labels and packaging applications to transform the role of the digital press in the smart print factory of the future.

The SmartDFE™ is designed to be part of a fully automated manufacturing solution supporting Industry 4.0 telematics and MIS integration, plus connectivity with automated manufacturing lines via OPC UA. It brings together in one powerful solution the creation of optimized print-ready PDF files; workflow and job automation to connect with enterprise IT systems; RIPping; screening; optimized image quality; and, via Harlequin® Direct, it drives the print data directly to the printheads at blistering speeds through Meteor software and electronics, or through Xitron’s Navigator DFE platform. It meets the need for fully variable data, gives complete control of the print workflow, and provides valuable information for QA and inspection, press maintenance, and stock control.

Mike Rottenborn, Global Graphics Group CEO comments, “Digital printing presses are getting smarter all the time, and innovation is especially strong in the labels and packaging segment. These presses need a “smart” digital front end to take their place in today’s smart print factories, and this is challenging for many OEM developers of digital packaging presses. Global Graphics developed SmartDFE to simplify the integration of the DFE and the digital press and reduce time to market for our OEM customers.”

“SmartDFE relies on tight, high-speed integration, communication and control between components from the job creation all the way to the printheads,” adds Nick de Roeck, Global Graphics Group CTO. “It requires the ability to collect detailed data from an individual press and share with the wider factory and to generate knowledge gathered from the data to predict and control the press. All of this capability is now available from Global Graphics and gives us and our customers a unique position in the market.“

The SmartDFE for labels and packaging comprises PDF editing, layout, and automated Variable Data Printing (VDP) with HYBRID Stepz and CLOUDFLOW, job cost estimation and production controls that connect to the Smart Factory using OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture), rasterization and screening using Harlequin Direct™ directly to the printhead datapath from either Meteor Inkjet or Xitron.

“SmartDFE gives you everything you need to add label and packaging printing to any industrial production scenario,” says Eric Worrall, VP of products and services at Global Graphics Software. “It provides a complete single source software and electronics stack that does everything from job creation through to printheads. Our Artemis Print Operator AI builds print knowledge into the software to keep the workflow running at maximum speed and quality. We have also joined the OPC Foundation, the organization responsible for the development and maintenance of the OPC Industrial Interoperability Standard, so our SmartDFE can connect print to the Smart Factory.”

“SmartDFE will be a godsend for smart factories requiring large industrial inkjet print systems capable of streaming variable data jobs,” says Clive Ayling, the managing director of Meteor Inkjet. “The integration of Meteor’s proven electronics and software within SmartDFE means that print system builders can select from the widest range of printheads while benefitting from Meteor’s exceptional technical support service.”

“Full automation is the logical next step for Navigator support of presses using Memjet printheads,” said Karen Crews, president of Xitron. “Our base of installed systems has exploded over the last two years and the opportunity to enhance new presses with OPC UA connectivity presents us with a huge technological leap forward.”

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Solutions for corrugated printing Wed, 03 Mar 2021 08:10:48 +0000 Presenting HYBRID Software's solutions for corrugated printing! In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your corrugated printing processes. HYBRID Software's lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to

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Presenting HYBRID Software’s solutions for corrugated printing!

In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your corrugated printing processes.

HYBRID Software’s lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to use, web-based interface to conduct your data delivery and 1Up editing, quality control and customer approvals, all the way up to plate optimisation and sheet output.

We’d be happy to discuss a personalised solution for your needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reach your goals at

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The Future is Soft – Interview with Mike Rottenborn Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:01:27 +0000 Courtesy of FuturePrint Mike Rottenborn is the CEO of Global Graphics PLC who is a leading developer of integrated software and hardware solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen, and hundreds of packaging printers, trade shops, and converters

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Mike Rottenborn is the CEO of Global Graphics PLC who is a leading developer of integrated software and hardware solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen, and hundreds of packaging printers, trade shops, and converters worldwide.

Global Graphics PLC is headquartered in Cambridge UK. Its subsidiary companies are printing software developers Global Graphics Software; the industrial printhead driver solutions specialists, Meteor Inkjet; prepress workflow developers Xitron and enterprise software developer HYBRID Software.

Tell us your back story?
I am from Virginia originally. I started off by studying Electrical Engineering and later studied Computer Science in Philadelphia while working for DuPont. My earliest assignments were with Crosfield and Chelgraph, so I spent a lot of time in Cheltenham and Hemel Hempstead in the UK.

The business in Cheltenham was based on the Jaws RIP (now a part of Global Graphics) and was sold by DuPont to a small company called PCC which was a packaging software company. Shortly thereafter, I moved from DuPont to PCC myself, so from the beginning of my career, I saw the value of having a RIP coupled to workflow software in the printing world.

In 1998, PCC was bought by a Belgian company called Artwork Systems which was chaired by Guido Van der Schueren, who is still my boss today and the Chairman of our company. The reason he bought PCC is that Artwork Systems had Vector technology and PCC had RIP and Raster technology. The resulting technology from these two companies merging is still being used by many customers today.

Just before Esko acquired Artwork Systems in 2007, I founded a business called Hybrid Integration, which later became Hybrid Software. The vision of Hybrid at the time was to link web-to-print, workflow and MIS. We had a standard called JDF which was hard to implement – more of a standard for software developers if you will. So we built a product that was ‘plug and play’ and which still embraced JDF. The first MIS interface we developed was for Radius which later became part of EFI. This linked workflow, and it was our vision to connect ERP and MIS with JDF. This was the integration part of Hybrid which led to its success.

Then in 2010, we wanted to grow the business into Europe. At this point, Guido joined Hybrid’s board and he later left Esko. Fast forward to November 2019 when I was tapped to replace Gary Fry as CEO of Global Graphics!

Software technology seems to be emerging higher in profile and importance from the cloud of COVID. Are people coming to better understand the advantages of software and has COVID accelerated this?
Yes, I think that COVID has and market-wise, I think it is growing especially in labels and packaging. It has exploited the move of packaging to digital from gravure/flexo and in my opinion, the growth in digital printing won’t return to analog, even the longer run work after the crisis finally settles. Software technology has also enabled people to get more from the machinery that they already have. It was hard to get a new press installed in 2020 so people had to work with what they had. The pandemic did shut the world down for a couple of weeks in the middle of March 2020 and as a result, people were keen to learn how they could improve efficiency by automating as much as possible.

Guido likes to say that software will rule the world! He thinks it will become the most important element of production. I also like what Benny Landa said when he said “all that can be digital will be digital.” I agree with both of these statements.

For me, I saw it coming when I was a board-level hardware engineer and in my first project, I was working on a big interface board to move data to a Creo thermal CTP device. I saw that everything that I was doing with discrete components in a hardware form would eventually be done in software and microprocessors.

It seems you are a software evangelist – what is your mission with the business?
Yes, I am! It’s all about the people and merging disciplines – a standalone software integrator business as Hybrid was, in the beginning, is hard to scale in isolation, so it’s great to have them as part of the Global Graphics group.

Good software integrated into a business will streamline processes. Usually, it is a way to reduce and remove human error and this is an instant gain. In some cases, you can call it a digital consumable. But on its own, it becomes obsolete quickly so it requires a lot of investment to keep it at the forefront. I think you can see we have pulled all the pieces together to drive a digital device. Even Meteor is a software company. Sure, they do manufacture drive electronics – but this would not work without the software which makes the hardware business work really well.

So, it seems that your strategy is to grow the business through acquisition, tell us more…
Well in line with our mission we want to be able to provide a complete software solution to any company that wants to build and manufacture for or with print technology. So, yes by acquiring we can accelerate this process by both selling assets that do not quite fit this mission and acquiring those that do. Last year, we sold URW to Monotype for this reason, amid the pandemic and also acquired Hybrid so we have succeeded in moving ahead regardless of the crisis.

Xitron is also part of the group now. This business was, on the surface, a business acquisition as we were buying our biggest distribution partner – but their technology is also very good and they have a great DFE focused on Memjet and the HP Fi 1000 print head. They address the print heads that Meteor does not. So we ended up getting far more than we thought we would with Xitron.

So do all of the acquisitions complement each other?
They do, but the Hybrid acquisition, in particular, is a game-changer. Primarily, they sell to end-users. They are a Harlequin licensee so they take a Harlequin RIP and then sell this onto end-users with higher margins. The Hybrid sales force is three times the size of the sales force of Global Graphics Group even including Xitron and Meteor. They have people in every major market speaking local languages. Of course, we had some OEM business in labels and packaging already and have some key partners including HP, Mark Andy and Durst. This packaging market has continued to be very busy. I think you have seen an acceleration of corrugated packaging due to home delivery packaging growing so massively.?’

Why is M&A in software seemingly more active versus machinery, ink and other elements of the print technology supply chain?
I think as businesses, they scale up faster and there is a lower level of investment required v OEMs. There is also a lot of interest in finding the next ‘unicorn’. The multiples are more defined and the business proposition can be very appealing for investors. For example, Hybrid has a far higher recurring revenue than GGS – recurring revenue is very appealing to the market that values this much more highly.

Even before I joined, I had visited HP Indigo with Gary and Guido and visited Japan as we worked together as partners with a shared Chairman (Guido).

Are you in acquisitive mode? Well, all I can say is that we are always looking for the right opportunity,

Where do you get your leadership inspiration from?
As far as leadership goes, it is a leader’s job to empower the team to do their job and not to take credit for what they do. I listen more than I talk because there is so much to learn and there are so many brilliant people in the business. They inspire me.

As far as my leadership style goes, I get inspiration from Guido. I was part of the first acquisition at PCC in 1996. An acquisition can instil fear in both sides – I had just joined PCC from Dupont – so getting bought by a Belgian company was not something I was familiar with. So I watched and learned how Guido had a very soft touch in integrating PCC – he wanted the new businesses to keep their culture and identity and he was respectful of people. So as a result in the Global Graphics group all the businesses have different cultures. Leadership skills I believe are learned and not inherent. I also really like the principle of level 5 leadership – laid out by Jim Collins in From Good to Great – he talks of the top-level companies are led by people in a style opposite to what we perhaps would expect of a leader. They are far more humble and people-focused. They care more for their team than they do for themselves while they are happy to employ people who are better than themselves.

Of course, the leader has to set the vision but what I feel is equally important is to set and respect the culture. This was especially important at the time of the pandemic. We worried a lot about our people. During this time our technical team were solving some challenging technical problems with Harlequin Version 13 and RIPping of images that were 2 metres wide and 6 metres long for ceramic tile production. This is now possible with Harlequin and Meteor I am pleased to say! To solve these problems technical experts are deep into their corner of the code as they are doing things very few people in the world can do. So now, due to COVID, they are working at home for the year and you can easily lose the human connection if you do not have a welcoming culture that reaches out to employees. We were luckier than most and diverse enough so that when some graphic arts OEMs declined, the ceramics business was very good. So this helped us as well. Also, our business in Tokyo is very strong. Harlequin is the RIP of choice in Japan which has also proved to be very positive.

What is your view on the future of print and the role of software within it?
I am very bullish. I think some companies moved away from print too soon and stopped innovating.

What I think is key is the role of enterprise software. When printing is done well it is a manufacturing process. Of course, it can be a craft but it is hard to make money that way – so to be profitable, having software embedded strategically in manufacturing is very important. It makes you smarter and able to focus on the bigger picture.

In your view is inkjet key to the future?
Yes, it is, and we are still learning things with inkjet too. For example, we have a customer in Turkey printing onto adhesive tubes and they are called Jetron, and this is one of our BETA sites for the joint development for a new product we are developing called our SmartDFE. This was developed by Global Graphics Software, Xitron, Meteor and Hybrid who had created the front end workflow. This is a new product focused on labels and packaging and is launching at the virtual drupa in a couple of months. We also have Miyakoshi in Japan and they are also using it for their family of printing devices. The SmartDFE is a result of internal collaboration between those in the group.

So Meteor and Harlequin collaboration opened up a huge advantage for the business?
Meteor opens up a new part of the market that has not traditionally been RIP-based.

The big OEM companies that build a printing device do not want to be software experts – they want to sell systems, not the software part – they want to sell a module that is easier to build into a press. I think the first-generation OEMs for printing presses had to build their own DFEs – to achieve rated press speeds, for example – and as we have seen in computer to plate, the hardware is decoupling from the software and DFEs, so you can see many vendors going that way because it enables products to get to market quicker.

Is there a technological convergence enabled by software? Do you see this?
Yes, we want to make technology simpler, empowering printers and making production more efficient.

I think that people need to change their thinking with software so that workflow encompasses plant-wide production, not just individual printing devices.

The next generation – what is the most efficient way of doing this?
Workflow software exists to connect systems and processes and make production simpler. I think the expression “Industry 4.0” is overused – but it is smart manufacturing and requires a software strategy that has in the past been far too tactical. Implementing workflow from the top-down is a way of improving productivity hugely in most print operations.

Mike is participating at the FuturePrint Leaders Summit in the M&A Panel hosted by Ken Stack from Proximus. Click here to register! 

Futureprint Leaders Summit

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The Ghent Workgroup surveys the packaging printing market Tue, 02 Feb 2021 12:20:29 +0000 The Ghent Workgroup seeks insights The Ghent Workgroup is involved in the creation of best practices and standards for many graphic arts workflows and aims to standardise processes in the printing industry. To serve the needs of the printing industry, the Ghent Workgroup has created a survey for anyone involved in printing processes. Be

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The Ghent Workgroup seeks insights

The Ghent Workgroup is involved in the creation of best practices and standards for many graphic arts workflows and aims to standardise processes in the printing industry. To serve the needs of the printing industry, the Ghent Workgroup has created a survey for anyone involved in printing processes. Be sure to let your voice be heard, so that your needs can be addressed! It only takes a couple of minutes.

Direct to survey
Learn more about the Ghent Workgroup

Frank Vyncke HYBRID Software

“We noticed an evolution where we see that printing can include more than one printing pass, either because part of the artwork is fixed and part is variable, or because some very special opaque layers that are needed.

Before we spend time and effort on this niche market, we need to know if there is value for enough end users in such a standard. That’s why we created this survey to check if there is a broad enough user base that would benefit from such a standard.”

Frank Vyncke, CLOUDFLOW Development Manager at HYBRID Software and active member of the GWG Packaging SubCommittee

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Chairman’s note on Global Graphics Acquisition Fri, 22 Jan 2021 08:30:14 +0000 Dear Customer We are thrilled to announce that HYBRID Software has been acquired by Global Graphics PLC, a leading provider of digital software solutions for inkjet printing and creator of the famous Harlequin RIP. The new company is comfortably in the hands of the former HYBRID Software shareholders. I was Chairman of both companies

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Dear Customer

We are thrilled to announce that HYBRID Software has been acquired by Global Graphics PLC, a leading provider of digital software solutions for inkjet printing and creator of the famous Harlequin RIP. The new company is comfortably in the hands of the former HYBRID Software shareholders. I was Chairman of both companies and I will stay on as Executive Chairman of the new outfit.

What does this mean for you?
On a day-to-day basis, it’s business as usual with no changes planned to our staffing, products, or structure. HYBRID Software and Global Graphics share the same DNA and the same dedication to partnering with our customers, and acting on your input. But the larger group (250 people worldwide) will have new resources and capabilities to continue driving innovation and value around the world faster.

What does it mean for us?
Our entire staff is now part of the new family! Our offices will stay where they are, and under the existing management we will continue to lead this dedicated and talented team to deliver innovation and customer satisfaction.

Our story continues …
Close to 10 years ago, I and a group of close collaborators including CEO Mike Rottenborn set out to bring innovation and customer involvement with passion. Helping large and small businesses to thrive in today’s complex digital economy became our mission. Joining forces with a company as passionate about our industry as we are will take us onto the next chapter in our storybook.

Thank you for your support.
I want to take the opportunity to thank each of you for putting your trust in us over the last 10 years and bringing us to where we are today. We come to work everyday with you in our mind. This commitment is stronger than ever during this difficult time.

Sincerest gratitude,

Guido Van der Schueren
Chairman of the Board

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Stronger together with Global Graphics Wed, 13 Jan 2021 19:00:16 +0000 PRESS RELEASE – REGULATED INFORMATION GLOBAL GRAPHICS PLC COMPLETES ACQUISITION OF HYBRID SOFTWARE GROUP Cambridge (UK), 13 January 2021: Global Graphics PLC (Euronext: GLOG) announces that it has successfully completed its acquisition of the HYBRID Software Group S.à r.l. (“HYBRID Software”) from Congra Software S.à r.l (“Congra”) following the passing of a shareholder resolution

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Cambridge (UK), 13 January 2021: Global Graphics PLC (Euronext: GLOG) announces that it has successfully completed its acquisition of the HYBRID Software Group S.à r.l. (“HYBRID Software”) from Congra Software S.à r.l (“Congra”) following the passing of a shareholder resolution at a General Meeting held on Friday 8th January 2021.

HYBRID Software is a group of software development and marketing companies focused on enterprise software for the graphic arts industry, with a strong focus on labels and packaging. It becomes the fourth subsidiary company in the Global Graphics group and sits alongside Global Graphics Software, Meteor Inkjet and Xitron.

The acquisition roughly doubles the size of the Global Graphics group of companies in terms of headcount, expanding the global workforce to around 250 people. It adds several more operating locations to the group through HYBRID Software’s offices in Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France and the USA. Global Graphics typically invests about one third of its revenues into R&D each financial year and has a strong software development team, which is now expanded to more than 75 engineers with the addition of HYBRID Software.

Global Graphics is dedicated to developing software and hardware solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing and has earned a reputation for innovation, with several of its companies being recognised with prestigious industry awards and, in the case of both Meteor Inkjet and Global Graphics Software, with the coveted Queen’s Award for Enterprise. It will continue to be a key supplier of original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) technology and, through HYBRID Software’s domain expertise in labels and packaging, a customer-focussed supplier of solutions for print service providers and converters as well as OEMs.

Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of Global Graphics, says, “This acquisition is a great fit strategically. It’s good news for our customers, our employees and our shareholders. We will continue to grow the value of the company by supporting all our stakeholders and reaffirm our intention to remain a listed company. As the packaging industry continues its migration to digital printing, there are tremendous opportunities for Global Graphics’ hardware and software solutions, so bringing HYBRID Software into the group will help us grow our share in labels and packaging. Exciting times lie ahead as we launch new initiatives in response to customer demands, ranging from innovative new products to subscription-based licensing models.”

Global Graphics’ CEO Mike Rottenborn says, “This acquisition makes Global Graphics stronger than the sum of its parts. Market requirements are changing and it’s important for the future growth of the company that we are positioned to respond. Customers are asking for more functionality and we are well placed to offer a broader solution starting with a powerful new digital front end for the labels and packaging segment. Expect to see new product development for the industrial inkjet market too, which, as it evolves and matures, requires a new generation of software and hardware capabilities. We’ll be able to take HYBRID Software’s expertise in file preparation and enterprise production workflow gained in the labels and packaging segments and expand this out across all the industry segments we serve.”

HYBRID Software has been an integrator of the Harlequin RIP® for many years inside their CLOUDFLOW workflow product and in recent times has been working at a technical level with Global Graphics Software on the Fundamentals™ digital front end. Michigan-based Xitron, also a long-standing customer for the Harlequin RIP, is active in the commercial printing industry providing pre-press and digital solutions to OEMs. Its Navigator DFE supports drive electronics from sister company Meteor Inkjet, a leading developer of printhead driver solutions for industrial inkjet systems. Together with Global Graphics Software, developer of the Harlequin RIP and other technology components for digital printing, the Global Graphics group offers the market a compelling stack of solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing.

Consideration for the acquisition of HYBRID Software was EUR 80 million which was satisfied in full by issuing 21,074,030 Global Graphics shares to Congra.

For the year ended 31 December 2020, it is estimated that HYBRID Software’s revenue will be around EUR 17 million and EBITDA will be around EUR 5.5 million (subject to audit). HYBRID Software will be included in the group’s consolidated financial statements with effect from the reporting period that includes the closing date of the acquisition, i.e. for the year ending 31 December 2021, starting with the condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ending 30 June 2021. Further information in respect of the acquisition can be found on the company’s website at


About Global Graphics

Through its operating subsidiaries, Global Graphics PLC (Euronext Brussels: GLOG) is a leading developer of integrated hardware and software solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen and Mark Andy. Global Graphics PLC is headquartered in Cambridge UK. Its subsidiary companies are printing software developers Global Graphics Software; the industrial printhead driver solutions specialists, Meteor Inkjet; and the pre-press software specialists Xitron


Jill Taylor
Corporate Communications Director Tel: +44 (0)1223 926489

Graeme Huttley
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44 (0)1223 926472

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Behind the scenes: take a look! Mon, 04 Jan 2021 15:00:20 +0000 Enjoy a sneak preview of something very special HYBRID Software has been working on. What do you think we are up to? Stay tuned for the release next week! & A huge thank you to our partners at SÜDFILM GmbH and Markus Dold at GD90 for your support on this project!

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Enjoy a sneak preview of something very special HYBRID Software has been working on.

What do you think we are up to? Stay tuned for the release next week!

& A huge thank you to our partners at SÜDFILM GmbH and Markus Dold at GD90 for your support on this project!

  • Two actors for HYBRID Software during filming
  • HYBRID Software employees behind the scenes on film day
  • FIlm set with cameras and lights for HYBRID Software
  • Südfilm entrance during HYBRID Software's filming of prepress videos

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Happy holidays from HYBRID Software! Wed, 16 Dec 2020 08:39:05 +0000 To all our connections around the world, we are grateful for you throughout the year and especially in this season. We wish you all a wonderful celebration and the best start into the new year. See you in 2021!

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To all our connections around the world, we are grateful for you throughout the year and especially in this season.

We wish you all a wonderful celebration and the best start into the new year.

See you in 2021!

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Joining forces with Global Graphics Fri, 11 Dec 2020 12:21:27 +0000 HYBRID Software is excited to announce that we will be joining forces with Global Graphics to bring the next level of unique solutions and innovations for our customers. We are proud of this next step as Global Graphics is an industry leader in digital printing and together we will better serve the label and

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HYBRID Software is excited to announce that we will be joining forces with Global Graphics to bring the next level of unique solutions and innovations for our customers. We are proud of this next step as Global Graphics is an industry leader in digital printing and together we will better serve the label and packaging printing markets. We are looking forward to what’s to come!

Read more about the acquisition of HYBRID Software by Global Graphics in the official press release:

Global Graphics Logo - HYBRID Software



Cambridge (UK), 10 December 2020 (08.00 CET): Global Graphics PLC (Euronext: GLOG) announces today that it has entered into a binding conditional agreement with Congra Software S.à r.l. (“Congra”) for the proposed acquisition of the entire issued share capital of HYBRID Software Group S.à r.l. (“HYBRID Software”) from Congra.

HYBRID Software is a group of software development and marketing companies focused on enterprise software for the graphic arts industry, with a strong focus on labels and packaging. HYBRID Software is registered in Luxembourg and has subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany, Italy, France and the USA.

HYBRID Software’s two main product lines, CLOUDFLOW and PACKZ, offer a unique set of advantages that include native PDF workflow and editing, variable data linking and imposition, vendor-independent solutions based on industry standards, scalable technology and low total cost of ownership. These products are used by more than 1,000 customers worldwide in all areas of pre-press and printing, including labels and packaging, folding cartons, corrugated, and wide format.

Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of Global Graphics PLC, explains the rationale behind the proposed acquisition. “Combining Global Graphics and HYBRID Software will create the foremost enterprise software supplier for digital printing, as well as for traditional label and packaging market segments and I’m proud to announce it to the industry. The DNA of both companies is similar – customer-focused innovation in graphic arts and industrial inkjet – and there’s a strong existing relationship and a great fit between HYBRID Software and the Global Graphics companies: Global Graphics Software, Meteor Inkjet, and Xitron.

“The combined company will total more than 250 dedicated employees with a wealth of experience in software and hardware development, but our mission will remain unchanged: developing innovative solutions for both end users and OEM suppliers. HYBRID Software has also established a successful recurring revenue model based on SaaS and subscription licensing, something that Global Graphics’ customers are asking for as well. I look forward to concluding the transaction at the beginning of 2021 and to a very bright future for the new company.”

Mike Rottenborn, Global Graphics’ CEO, adds: “This proposed acquisition is strategically important for our future growth. With HYBRID Software on board, Global Graphics will be able to offer premium products like packaging editors and production workflow solutions to end-users, in addition to continuing our focus on innovative solutions for our OEM partners. While Global Graphics already supplies technology to the labels and packaging market, we will be able to increase our focus on packaging with the acquisition; the labels and packaging segment is the fastest growing in the printing industry and an area in which HYBRID Software has specialized knowledge. It also has feet on the ground across Europe, Asia, and the Americas to facilitate OEM and end-user sales. And we recognize that the way in which we do business would benefit by introducing new models, including SaaS and subscriptions. These are business models that our existing customers have requested and that HYBRID Software offers to its customer base. Their expertise in this area will be valuable to us as we roll out these new initiatives across Global Graphics.”

Consideration for the acquisition is EUR 80 million which will be satisfied in full by issuing 21,074,030 Global Graphics shares to Congra (the “Consideration Shares”). The number of Consideration Shares to be issued to Congra has been calculated based on the volume-weighted average of the closing price per Global Graphics share for each of the last 30 trading days prior to the date of signing the conditional agreement, and represents an implied price per Consideration Share of EUR 3.80. Assuming successful completion of the acquisition and following the issue of the Consideration Shares to Congra, Congra’s aggregate shareholding in Global Graphics will amount to 82.16 per cent of the enlarged issued share capital of Global Graphics (excluding shares held in treasury). The acquisition remains conditional upon, amongst other customary conditions, the passing of a shareholder resolution at a forthcoming general meeting of Global Graphics to be held on 8 January 2021.

More information about HYBRID Software, the proposed acquisition and full details about the meeting and voting can be found in the Notice of General Meeting on the Company’s website at

Shareholders are also invited to attend a Q&A session with Mike Rottenborn and Graeme Huttley via a Zoom conference call on Monday, 14 December 2020, at 15:00 CET. To register for this conference call, please email by 14:30 CET on Monday, 14 December 2020. Details of how to join the meeting will then be provided by email.


About Global Graphics
Through its operating subsidiaries, Global Graphics PLC (Euronext Brussels: GLOG) is a leading developer of integrated hardware and software solutions for graphics and industrial inkjet printing. Customers include press manufacturers such as HP, Canon, Durst, Roland, Hymmen and Mark Andy. Global Graphics PLC is headquartered in Cambridge UK. Its subsidiary companies are printing software developers Global Graphics Software; the industrial printhead driver solutions specialists, Meteor Inkjet; and the pre-press software specialists Xitron.

Jill Taylor
Corporate Communications Director Tel: +44 (0)1223 926489

Graeme Huttley
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +44 (0)1223 926472

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HYBe newsletter issue 2 released Wed, 18 Nov 2020 08:00:56 +0000   We are excited to announce the second issue of our newsletter, named HYBe! In our releases, we share exciting news surrounding HYBRID Software and give you a glimpse closer into our company. Including our newest customer success stories, product announcements, and employee spotlights. Enjoy our second issue: HYBe – What's moving us Subscribe here to

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We are excited to announce the second issue of our newsletter, named HYBe!

In our releases, we share exciting news surrounding HYBRID Software and give you a glimpse closer into our company.

  • Including our newest customer success stories,
  • product announcements, and
  • employee spotlights.

Enjoy our second issue: HYBe – What’s moving us

Subscribe here to receive our newest issues in your mailbox!

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Solutions for folding carton printing Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:11:59 +0000 Presenting HYBRID Software's solutions for folding carton printing! In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your folding carton printing processes. HYBRID Software's lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an

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Presenting HYBRID Software’s solutions for folding carton printing!

In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your folding carton printing processes.

HYBRID Software’s lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to use, web-based interface to conduct your data delivery and artwork editing, quality control and customer approvals, all the way up to step and repeat and statistics reporting.

We’d be happy to discuss a personalised solution for your needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reach your goals at

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Solutions for flexibles and trade shops Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:11:37 +0000 Presenting HYBRID Software's solution for flexibles and trade shops! In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your flexible printing and trade shops processes. HYBRID Software's lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency

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Presenting HYBRID Software’s solution for flexibles and trade shops!

In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your flexible printing and trade shops processes.

HYBRID Software’s lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to use, web-based interface to conduct your data delivery and artwork editing, quality control and customer approvals, all the way up to step and repeat and statistics reporting.

We’d be happy to discuss a personalised solution for your needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reach your goals at

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Solutions for label printing Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:11:25 +0000 Presenting HYBRID Software's solutions for label printing! In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your label printing processes. HYBRID Software's lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to

The post Solutions for label printing appeared first on HYBRID Software.


Presenting HYBRID Software’s solutions for label printing!

In this comprehensive video, you will be taken step by step on how HYBRID Software can maximise the performance of your label printing processes.

HYBRID Software’s lights out automation saves you time and money in various touch points. We increase your efficiency by providing an intuitive to use, web-based interface to conduct your data delivery and artwork editing, quality control and customer approvals, all the way up to step and repeat and statistics reporting.

We’d be happy to discuss a personalised solution for your needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help you reach your goals at

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HYBRID Software awarded FLAG Vendor Partner of the Year Thu, 22 Oct 2020 08:52:34 +0000 Flexo Label Advantage Group LLC has awarded HYBRID Software Vendor Partner of the Year. This award is presented to the Vendor Partner company who over the last year, provided exceptional support and commitment to FLAG and its’ members. We are extremely proud to receive this and for the great relationships we have with the FLAG

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Flexo Label Advantage Group LLC has awarded HYBRID Software Vendor Partner of the Year.

This award is presented to the Vendor Partner company who over the last year, provided exceptional support and commitment to FLAG and its’ members.

We are extremely proud to receive this and for the great relationships we have with the FLAG community.

We can only attribute this to our formula for success:
our future is dependent upon the latest, innovative technologies multiplied by extreme customer care: customer squared.

Thank you FLAG, for this honor.

Learn about FLAG by visiting them here:

Download Press release

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Online work sees outside benefit Wed, 22 Jul 2020 11:19:37 +0000 Did you know that since the outbreak, HYBRID has been conducting our customer implementations online? 💻 We miss our face to face visits so much and want to say thank you to our customers for being so flexible in discovering with us other successful alternatives to meet. Online trainings such as HYBRID Boot Camp👨‍💻 and

The post Online work sees outside benefit appeared first on HYBRID Software.

Did you know that since the outbreak, HYBRID has been conducting our customer implementations online? 💻

We miss our face to face visits so much and want to say thank you to our customers for being so flexible in discovering with us other successful alternatives to meet.

Online trainings such as HYBRID Boot Camp👨‍💻 and lots of calls📱, will keep us connected, stronger than ever –

And even benefit the environment while we are at it 🌍 with less business travel by car, train or plane.

#Environment #ThankYouCustomers #HYBRIDSoftware

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HYBRID Software formula for success Tue, 30 Jun 2020 11:16:25 +0000 “The way we see it, our future is dependent upon the latest, innovative technologies multiplied by extreme customer care: customer squared. We all face a common challenge—the need for connectivity and access to real-time insights. Industry 4.0 focuses on machine and software interconnectivity, which links physical production with smart digital technologies. It lets us serve

The post HYBRID Software formula for success appeared first on HYBRID Software.

“The way we see it, our future is dependent upon the latest, innovative technologies multiplied by extreme customer care: customer squared. We all face a common challenge—the need for connectivity and access to real-time insights.

Industry 4.0 focuses on machine and software interconnectivity, which links physical production with smart digital technologies. It lets us serve all our customers on the packaging supply chain—the marriage of technology and customer care,” notes Guido Van der Schueren, Chairman of HYBRID Software.

“It means that while our future is reliant upon technology, we must take care of our customers. This will be particularly important during the post COVID-19 restart—and HYBRID is offering new solutions that will do just that.”

#HYBRID #Innovation #Industry4.0

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Additional licenses for HYBRID customers Mon, 16 Mar 2020 12:12:33 +0000 Firstly, we hope everyone reading this is in good health. At HYBRID, we understand the needs that come with home office arrangements. CLOUDFLOW runs on a web browser and gives you full access to your workflow from anywhere in the world. We believe your prepress and printing work doesn’t need to be put on

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Firstly, we hope everyone reading this is in good health.

At HYBRID, we understand the needs that come with home office arrangements. CLOUDFLOW runs on a web browser and gives you full access to your workflow from anywhere in the world.

We believe your prepress and printing work doesn’t need to be put on hold. For additional license requests or more information to make the transition to home office, please contact us.

#CLOUDFLOW #WorkFromHome

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