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LabelFest 2022 at SCREEN Europe

We are excited to be a partner for SCREEN Europe’s Labelfest 2022. At this open house event, SCREEN will be showcasing the print capabilities of the Truepress Jet L350UV SAI device alongside the essential components that go to make up a complete digital label production system. We will be available to provide in depth information on our software products for label and packaging printing.

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11:30 Coffee & Brunch
12:00 Welcome speech delivered by SCREEN
12:45 Partner introduction – in all areas of MIS, label design, color management, substrates, embellishment and finishing systems

Join live demonstrations on the various workflow solutions in the casual, networking setting of our tabletop room, while enjoying lunch and a refreshing drink.
See the Truepress Jet L350UV SAI series and the REFINE Compact finishing solution in action, using the latest innovations in substrate from Avery Dennison.

16:30 At the end of our program, our partners remain available for a more in-depth look at any of the systems you have been shown during the day.
18:30 Join us again for a networking dinner. More updates in due course.

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